why do you also think outspoken women are hated by both men and women..
she is not the epitome of sugar and spice and everything nice.. and she is not allowed to eat, poop, fart or have a mind of her own. And just like in P Diddy's parties hot women are used as food as well as dinnerware..
she is used to eat food off of. And so you saw what they did 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia as well as ancient Egypt and it's being replayed today for your enjoyment..
you are your ancestors and you're showing exactly what you did to the women and the men way back when and then you became food for the predators happily walking into the lion's den and being eaten alive.. and both men and women have done that and are doing that to themselves right now as we speak
To a lot of men, women are supposed to be seen and women are supposed to be an accessory and an adornment and not heard at all. She's supposed to be in the background silent as death. Or she's supposed to be some kind of hot sexual colorful object to hypnotize people
That's the destruction of women is from the mother and from the men who can't handle smart women.
So they have to sexualize her and shut her up and then they employ their mothers and other women around them to destroy their own wives and have a bunch of babies..
and there are many women who buy into the destruction of their own gender and they are f****** vicious but remember they're under the spell of sugar and spice and everything nice and so they will love bomb the s*** out of you..
some of the vicious women who bully have it in them to defend themselves but their anger is misdirected.
They need to use that anger not against me or Bill Gates but to get them out of really f***** up situations. At least they have the angry spirit but they just need to channel it effectively and correctly to save their own life not destroy somebody else out of ignorance..
No one could ever accuse me of being sugar and spice and everything nice especially when I love the salt but I don't abuse sodium chloride.
And sugar and carbs and gluten have their place as they are part of the ladders of your DNA also known as glucose with other processes in between the sugar and your DNA ladders and salt is the balancing force
I understand the power of salt and I also understand the power of food rest release and fighting my battles in my dreams as well as in the waking world.
Vampire women not only silence their own immune system but they attempt to silence everybody else's immune system.
Both men and women employ women to silence people indefinitely..
And you will see how they use sugar and spice and everything nice as well as aggressive sexuality with religion and politics and science as the cherry on top..
And so the Middle East is representation of two extreme sides. You have the patriarchal society on one side and then the sexualization of women and girls on the other side and somehow they both meet somewhere in the middle and then you have the West finding the balance.
Women don't have to be sex objects and they don't have to be wives and mothers and they are allowed to think and fart and eat and not be food for some billionaire.. and they don't have to be slaves to their in-laws because the in-laws can be f****** brutal to the wives coming in..
And so you saw what happened to women back in the Middle Ages when she decided to challenge authority. She was either burned at the stake or hung or dismembered by the women and the men..
That also happened to men as well who challenged authority..
People were tortured 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt and every other cradle civilization and it was reenacted in the Middle Ages during the Dark Ages the Medieval Times. And then it was reenacted during the Civil War and before that. Genghis Khan did it as well as the Roman Empire the British Empire and in Mexico and it still happens today with different drug cartels so you don't want to get involved with drugs or selling drugs. And torture happens all over the world and in indigenous countries to people who they deem are the enemy.
A civilized society doesn't lynch someone because they questioned something
If violence and aggressive sexuality is your go-to against anything you don't believe in and I don't care what it is if you have to go and hurt someone requiring them to retaliate then you're not a civilized society.
However, we have wars all over the world and some people will not let others live in peace because some people and some cultures have said certain cultures do not deserve to live. And you can play the game of sides but if you have said one culture does not deserve to live regardless of why, you are part of that war of destruction.
At some point there is no negotiations because people f****** and they break treaties and they break laws and they become underground and do things surreptitiously and so the world has to do what they must do and you save yourself or get the f*** out of an area that is so ridden with hate and retaliation..
At some point if you're not in a specific war, Walk the f*** away cuz it's not your War..
Once you join in a war you have no leg to stand on. You became the enemy to somebody, regardless of why, regardless of what you think you're defending..
And if you have such an issue with people overseas at war with each other then go and join in the war and relinquish your citizenship and join in and fight for the people you claim to defend.
If that's your path in life then please put your money where your mouth is..
I financed my war against assumptions and intolerance with information and books that were NOT best sellers. But I had to clean out my own assumptions and then finally leave the war of blame and activism. So if you have a war against someone or something and you know who they are because it's a culture a region then please forgo your American Australian Canadian New Zealand United Kingdom citizenship and go to those regions and sit in the trenches with the people you want to defend against some enemy. Put your money where your mouth is or you fight your own War within your immune system and you stay home and stay safe and wear a mask and reconsider your relationship with air food and water because that's what you're up against is your intolerance to air food and water projected against what you see is an emotional pull such as Wars and children