Africa the Cradle of Mankind and the Cradle of Unmankind
And China was the clever strategy
China might have been the kickoff back in 2019 but Africa is going to get their last word in edgewise
And they both are working with a billion people and both have extremely large continents and strong ass people and smart people.
You want the intelligence of the stereotypical Asian especially, China and you want the strength of a stereotypical African, straight from Africa.
Everything else in between is gone or superfluous.
Because you have to have the brains and the brawn to sustain both. You can't just have brawn and can't just have brains because that's not sustainable..
we have people who are so strong and so beautiful with very little thinking ability and we have people who are so smart and so clever and their body can't support and sustain that cleverness
And the people who don't use their head turn into cannon fodder in war, a sexual plaything or baby mama part of a harem.. and that's a hard mold to break
Could you start out as cannon fodder and a sexual plaything or baby mama part of a harem and then end up shedding yourself of that persona and developing autonomy?
I don't know. In this new world I don't know how easy it is to jump from one paradigm to another because biologically it's very difficult and intellectually you'd have to be extremely driven to catch up to what you want to see in yourself
and brawn doesn't mean you work out 50 times a day with bulging muscles dying from heart attacks..
Inner strength is just as important as outer strength
You have Genghis Khan of the past who was so strong and smart and then you have Imhotep who was so smart.. and you want a compilation of those two in one body if you can sustain it or else your lopsided but you'll be used temporarily until you destroy yourself with drugs alcohol sex and having children
And there isn't a religion politics or scientific Dogma anywhere in the mix. It is sociological and biological intertwined together with no distracting storyline.
And when you finally get that prototype a mixture of an extremely smart strong person who is relatively peaceful then you add in the storyline and develop a f****** amazing Society who doesn't have to die and reproduce itself unless something happened and there was a catastrophic situation requiring another wave of generation of people to come in and replace the ones that were gone.
But if everybody was the same it would be such a boring Society with no drama and lessons and morals. Not necessarily. We can develop animals and Imislands and study different people in their natural habitat without going in and changing them.
But they can't go and attack and they can't hurt another tribe. They can just live in peace but there will always be segment of the human race who will never allow the human race to go extinct..
We can also pay actors and actresses to act out specific scenarios in different places so you can see what your brothers and sisters do out there and make your choices with consequences.
We can also have an open discussion with rules on how to interact or otherwise known as Rules of Engagement and talk about the things that are controversial and questionable conflicting with our morals and values and we can watch ourselves do stupid s*** and then reconsider our behaviors in the future..
we can make public declarations and develop another evolution and be the representation of somebody who learns from their mistakes and who chooses to change without ramming our beliefs down somebody else's throat or otherwise known as trolling them and attacking them like a band of marauding predators who rape and pillage villages of the past
Bad guys can turn good and good guys can turn bad and everything is relative to the social constructs of the time.
If you can consider you don't have to be stuck in any Paradigm unless you are intellectually and biologically bereft because you don't have what it takes to develop Evolution and substance because you're in starvation mode full of antibody offspring stuck in your gut eating up all your intelligence developing your diagnosable conditions
It takes food to develop intelligence.. it takes release to sustain advanced intelligence
it takes the Mongolian intake of food and the standard American intake of food to develop advanced humans and it also requires release and repentance..
Flat stomachs and bulging muscles are just temporary ways to gain sexual notoriety converted into money and a following and then a great fall.
Having a big family is only temporary because once you dilute that potential then that whole family genetic line is gone because the Traditions would have killed everybody in that family..
And if one person escapes their own family and does something different by not having their own family but a partner or they live by themselves in a collective society completely 1,000% sober with no animals drugs or alcohol, they might have a chance to carry on their own genetic line but they can't assume they can carry on the human race.
That's the job of the government not you
But remember you live in a society that has their perceptions of quality and quantity but this is my perception of quality and quantity if you can handle and overcome the major obstacles of your own politics religion science and habits and genetics
Menopause is when you finally escape the curse of fertility and aggressive sexuality and you become an extremely evolutionary person in tune with the Universe if you don't drug your Evolution away or starve it away..
and of course you must have an excellent relationship with every single piece of food in the food supply regardless of how you characterize it.
And you must have an amazing relationship with pain and suffering and release to the point when the pain and suffering and release is not as aggressive as it was. That's why not everybody can do what I can do. Because you would have to have conditioning and that's why they give you money drugs and help from the government until they can't even help you anymore and and then the environment must change and the suffering must stop for the people who are in agony and that's called died suddenly
IMO You were never meant to become just a broadmare or sexual plaything or part of someone's harem or a family haren and then die with a religion politic or science dogma.
But if you did become a broad mare or a sexual plaything or part of someone's harem or family harem then you would get paid very well for it in social capital and pleasure and paradise and vacations and then die happy surrounded by friends and family
You were meant to stay alive indefinitely if the system wanted your kind of prototype around but you would have to prove your worth.
And releasing those curses and spells from your friends and family and the system is like being hazed into the next world.
If you understand how to strategize overcoming your own immune system and the social constructs you deserve to be in the next world and then you will make the proper choices to ensure your survivability with the help of the infrastructure of the system.
The real reason why they used puberty blockers was to escape the change because the change could be an aggressive diagnosable condition to some people. And menopause is like the change that happens under "normal biological circumstances" regarding the hayflick limit, but childhood conditions wouldn't be called menopause because it wouldn't fit the description.
so they would call it juvenile diseases or some kind of genetic disease and then use certain medications or drug therapy or behavior therapy to try to stop the change and there's also a suffering with that when you stop evolution but evolution is also suffering as well.
In my opinion when you stop an evolution midstream it's like trying to stop peeing in midstream. It's f****** painful.. you might as well just let it release and then deal with the fallout later or try to stop the evolution and then it comes back harder and it hurts and it's painful and it's deadly
Some people don't have the maturity or the experience to handle suffering and support it to their benefit so the system must step in and do what they do..
And so quality of life and quantity of life is all relative to how you've supported it and what you've been conditioned for. Even though I've been conditioned to suffer and my choice to live or die would be made later on in life I would say I promote the quantity of life and I will develop the quality of life that's appropriate for me and the world I live in currently today.
By the way men go through the change as soon as they start feeling pain and suffering and some of them get diagnosed with conditions and they have to use drugs and alcohol
and every single time they take a remedy or go through a surgery or get on drug therapy or use illicit drugs to manage their pain the change comes on harder and faster as they get older until they destroy themselves..
The change happens for both male and female and it can happen earlier or later and the more you resist the change the more it comes back and kills you through the laws of thermodynamics. It's all physics.
Being cured in a dynamic environment causes aggressive entropy and then chaos and then either you have to put yourself back together with food rest release and retention or the system buries you or burns you and then you leave a legacy and lessons
We had the luxury a long time ago to use over the counter cures or even herbal remedies to get over disease and get back into the game.. and we were able to cure disease every single time the season changed using Mucinex and NyQuil and Theraflu but now these remedies are becoming deadly even the first time. I already see recalls with Mucinex and other prescription drugs developing cancer in people. At some point there would be a Tipping Point when it came to curing and remedying away disease even using your friend's concoctions they made in their kitchen that they sell on internet or they give away for free
With growth becoming so astronomical the first infection a person wants to remedy way it could be their last one. The change could happen so quick before a person can release and retain.
And when you observe news reports of somebody dying suddenly from turbo infection you don't know if it was their 15th time they cured disease using starvation as well as herbal remedies or it was the first time they really felt they had to cure disease and it became deadly..
And so when the environment has changed and the frequencies are closer together old traditions literally Die Hard..
And in some corporations when they want to lay people off it's usually the newest people that came into the corporation who get laid off first but not all the time. Sometimes they keep the cheaper labor and they let go of the upper management but I remember back in the 2000s they were always scaling back and so as a temporary person I was first to be let go
When it comes to dying suddenly in a family it's the newest or weakest person in that family who gets sacrificed and compromised.
That's just the nature of change.. when you as a human know this theoretically and intellectually most likely you won't force your husband or wife to have a baby and you won't force your kids to have a baby because you could be killing them. And you don't know how long of a good life they're going to have but you know they will be suffering astronomically before they have a continuous good life. Yeah she might take pictures in between suffering showing everybody how wonderful everything is until it's not.
But that is the world we live in and those are the tribes of suffering we've subscribed to and so we can't blame anyone when we've brought in suffering and sustain suffering in hopes of a good life that you can never guarantee and what does that really mean??
If you have a problem with the system, use your facebook to offer solutions that no one has used before (no remedies, surgeries, politics, religion or dogmatic binary sciences, kids, family, friends)
i challenge you...
if you write, what is your intention with the written word? If you speak out, what are you trying to communicate?
If you are mad at a person place or thing, could you find reason why they would be mad at you?
If you're a woman and you're mad at the patriarchal society can you consider that you raised men who damage women?
And vice versa, if you're a man upset at the feminists in our society could you consider you were completely inconsiderate and heavy-handed in your approach and you did not value her as a person and that's why she's bitter and pissed off because your mother or the female role models in your Society developed that behavior in you and you embraced it without considering an alternative way to relate to women?
I dare anyone in their politics religion and science to see why people are resisting you as a woman and as a man in your politics religion and science dogmatic beliefs addicted to drugs alcohol and aggressive sex..
And so if you have a problem with the system maybe you're the problem.
A big major one..
And if you can't see it that's why the system is scaling everyone down because not only will you develop more problems in our society but you'll become a major one to your friends and family and to your community and the system can't have that.
the "victims" of our society also have responsibilities, as well.. if the "victim" is underage, then it is the parents responsibility for bringing that situation into existence ..
people say, "Way to victim blame", when a 12 year old girls is kidnapped, but she has fake eyelashes, and heavy makeup looking like she is 20 does trigger would be predators..
When you know your society is full of predators as an adult, why even develop a situation you cannot control to the fullest?
I understand ignorance because before the internet you lived in a homogenized circle of people who were relatively safe until you found out the basketball coach or some dude groomed themselves into a situation and kids were victimized.
And so in the age of information ignorance is a choice. You bring in a defenseless creature inevitably it will get victimized by some predator.
It's just a matter of time.
Why would you do that? Why would you bring in known suffering when you know for a fact you could not protect anything 100% for 18 years. Why would you do that to a child or an animal or anyone for that matter..
No I'm not impressed with anything when it has to do with family bringing in defenseless creatures for social capital.. I don't care how pretty the picture.
And if you can't see it from that point of view it's because you drugged and DRANK away your memories as a child and as a teenager and as an adult and you forgotten what's like to suffer to learn the hard lessons and some of you escaped by the skin of your teeth because you didn't know any better...and now these kids will pay A HEAVY PRICE
Politics religion science dogmas and group think are basically Circle Jerks and I left all of that b*******.. and if I may be so blunt again family is a huge circle jerk.
Why do you think I have no groups and I don't want to worshipers or stalkers and I don't want family and I want to redefine friendships
And why I don't sell suffering because that's the very essence of the J world is supporting suffering effectively and correctly for longevity and you don't bring in suffering you can't control..
and you can't sell suffering to live to the masses who have only known suffering to die who then find absolution from their crimes against humanity and animals in the medical holistic energy healing pleasure and paradise religious Pmpolitics and science world
So I walked away from all the Circle Jerks all over Facebook and our society. I get no pleasure bringing in suffering and then ending people or animal suffering through politics religion science because I'm no serial killer
And you look at the victims of our society having families and children vowing their children will never ever repeat the same mistakes but the mother never learned her lesson and so she will repeat the same mistakes in her children and they will repeat the same mistakes that she made.. and now you have more victims in our society dying suddenly or getting treated to death or getting human trafficked or becoming lessons
And it's basically a circle jerk if I can be so blunt.
How can any victim and mother who never learned her lessons think that she can raise a kid to learn her lessons and that kid doesn't even have half the experience it's own mother had..
But you had to see it in America because we are the Melting Pot of deadly lessons and then Australia Canada and the West will have to face what they have done to themselves and their children. And it's some ugly f***** up lessons that's for damn sure.
A "circle jerk" is a slang term used to describe a group of people excessively praising or reinforcing each other's opinions within a closed loop, often without considering outside perspectives, essentially creating an echo chamber where everyone is essentially "jerking off" to their own ideas, metaphorically speaking; it implies a self-congratulatory and narcissistic dynamic within the group.
Key points about "circle jerk":
Negative connotation:
It's always used negatively to describe a situation where people are not critically evaluating their own opinions and are simply affirming each other's views.
Origin from literal act:
The term originates from the literal act of a "circle jerk" which is a sexual activity involving a group of people in a circle, and the metaphor draws a parallel to the self-stimulatory nature of the group dynamic.
Example usage:
"The online forum became a 'circle jerk' where everyone just agreed with each other and bashed anyone who dared to disagree."
"The company's leadership meeting felt like a 'circle jerk' where everyone just praised the CEO's ideas without any real analysis."
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