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The Future is Here!!

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

If you are all about draining the swamp I hope your background is squeaky clean

I hope you can handle being 100% clean and sober because if not the system will help you leave this Earth as humanly as possible..

That's why I stay home and stay safe and I'm 100% clean and sober and I can live on almost nothing and I invest in ALL food and expanding my brain

The Future is Here!!

Yes Trump will drain the swamp and sometimes that includes even the people within his own party which are the people who are supporting him out there. If you are a right-wing Republican and a drug dealer and a human trafficker they're sparing no expense. The system will be cleaning itself up.

If you just choose to bring babies into this world they'll be regulated by the public health Therapies especially if you're receiving a baby bonus. And you won't be able to go find abortions or promote aggressive sexuality in the classroom..

The conservative movement will bring the Bible back into the classroom and everything is going to become so pure that even the right wing people who thought Trump was their savior are going to be regulated as well.

This is when you need to start cleaning up your act. This is when you need to stop promoting the things you're promoting if it's about drugs and alcohol and aggressive sex and having a harem of women.

And everything will be funneled through the family. And children will be properties of the state..

And I don't know how cannabis is going to be viewed with this extremely conservative regime coming in

Just be forewarned what we are in for and the groundwork has already been laid

And the climate is not going to calm down if anything it's going to be extremely more aggressive

Aggressive climate change and static people going back to Traditions will be deadly. This is the new world. This is a compilation of both the left and the right and you have to be centered.

Going over Agenda 47 and Project 25 paving the way to UN Agenda 2030


This is your future. Static means this is written in stone. So let it be written so let it be done..

The King and I said

 so let it be written so let it be done

Our whole system was developed around human sacrifice and controlling meiosis and developing the best prototype of the future

meiosis is incubus/succubus and yes leads to pregnancy tumors cancers autoimmune disorders disease and teratoma and aggressive infection and sepsis and also died suddenly

mitosis is you keeping yourself alive

The system normalized Incubus and succubus and Demon wrangling and spirit developing

During meiosis one cell divides twice to form four daughter cells. These four daughter cells only have half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell – they are haploid. Meiosis produces our sex cells or gametes – egg and sperm cells.

This is how you lengthen your telomeres and prolong your life if you can release the demons

Mitosis is the process by which a cell replicates its chromosomes and then segregates them, producing two identical nuclei in preparation for cell division. Mitosis is generally followed by equal division of the cell's content into two daughter cells that have identical genomes.

And then you have to produce an antichrist to control the population because we will have the world crawling with demons.

If you think I'm being really mean remember children turn into adults so what kind of adults are you developing in the future? Maybe it's time to not take pregnancy and children lightly. Because what kind of adults are we developing in the future from these children who are so at a deficit who will eventually have to be put together by machines and Prosthetics

I will tell you the people who hated me the most were the mothers. They were the ones that trolled me the most. The mothers. The mothers can be the most mean.

That's why I said if you're a woman and you want to marry someone find a man who isn't so heavily associated with his mother because that's the demon you'll have to battle is his mother.. because she already imprinted on her son and again you won't have any say in anything.

And I don't blame the mothers being the demon defending her son because yes marriage is a battle. Relationships are a battle. She will naturally protect her investment. And the children are the prize and they're used as weapons and leverage and that's not any way to come into this world used as a weapon and leverage against somebody else

So the system must clean up the system and the next 5 years are going to be brutal for everybody



The incubus and the succubus developing a tumor or a Teratoma. A spirit screwing you from the inside developing growths coming to surface

That's how fast stuff is growing

And during this environment everything is growing fast even if you have obesity or extremely underweight if your release process is not on point people are branching off literally they're branching off and entities inside are intelligent trying to gather resources and develop their own version of you. Basically clones.. and clones can have their own consciousness and their own issues and they also can destroy you unless they find a way to be on their own. But if they're sharing a heart and a lung with you it'll be like a two-headed conjoined twin. They're forced to get along and live in a symbiotic relationship if it's allowed to get that far

And doing everything in the medical holistic energy healing world and not doing anything different literally different, is only going to take you down and destroy one of you and then destroy both of you.

My information isn't for everybody because not everybody can handle developing enough substance to convert but you have to understand the physics and the biology about humans

And the medical holistic system battling demons within people's Bodies Minds and Spirits and that's what the Vatican was showing you with all of those different demonic looking monsters all over the walls and the statues.

And that's why they do exorcisms because at first it's the spirit they have to battle and then the person has to release those demons and if they don't it doesn't matter how much you battle a spirit it'll just destroy you over time.

And that's also Medusa and the snakes on her head because essentially When women are full of spirits who are torturing her.

 She's like Medusa so mean so so mean and angry very very angry. Some of you need to look at your Facebook and look at the anger you have put out there in the world and you act like a Medusa or you seduce people with your sexuality to control them from within.. the highly sexualized women become the sirens that pulled the sailors down into the depths of the water and drown them

That's why women have to really release those demons the most because they'll birth so many different demons within and sometimes they're her children and sometimes they are the possession of spirits that cause her to loop back into old trauma and relive all trauma and be angry at everyone who triggers her.

And Trump will be the demon Wrangler and the system will have to Corral everyone and go through that process. If you can't release your own demons the system is going to force you to release them and if you can't survive that release process I'm so sorry.

You know as well as I President Biden could not Wrangle a demon if he even tried. And there's nobody in the Democrat Party that stepping up to go up against Trump and so the system will develop an aggressive check and balances and everyone is under the microscope.

Regardless of which party you stand on and which side you take every single bit of resistance you put out there is futile and you're signing your own certificate whatever it is. If the information I put out there isn't enough proof the writing is on the wall it's not going to matter what you do anyways.

 But I am now living in the present and the future and I'm acknowledging the past and the future is grim. That's why I've been staying home and staying safe because it's going to get only worse when we get through the elections. And the left are going to be extremely upset. Remember I'm not right or left I just know the system is playing both sides of the fence.

 But even the right wing people don't even realize what's to come but they'll be used as a tool to develop the infrastructure. You'll be the solution to the problem that was developed.

I don't know if even preparation or telling you but I'm just getting it off my chest so I know what I'm in for. Some of you will sort of get the information and then blinders will go on just as soon as it hits a trigger point. But I have to prepare myself for the future.

 And there's nothing I can do to save anyone but I have to know this and so if I read it out loud you guys can hear it and I can hear it

and I won't get hit in the process because someone doesn't like me or my information. Violence is always the first go-to for people who can't handle new information..

And I learned that a long time ago that men and women will hit other men and women if they don't like them or the information or like what they stand for. People will go to violence extremely quickly when they are triggered to that extent..

And when you know that's the evil that lurks in the hearts of mankind you don't want to be out there protesting anything because someone will inevitably hit you for what you believe in and what you stand for.. if parents hit their children then when parents don't like other parents belief systems will hit other parents. Because that's what they were taught. They were taught aggressive corporal punishment and it translates out there in the activist world..

and then both men and women get hurt by their partner who doesn't understand how to use their words they only know how to use their fists and their hands and that's why both men and women are dying in domestic violence and f****** sucks.

And that's why the system turned to sexuality because that's one way to channel aggressive anger from violence is into sexuality and then you can destroy someone through seducing them to death

But the future is very grim and you might as well know now what to prepare for in Body Mind and Spirit and you'll have to figure out what one is going to help you first..

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