The demons are the damaged microbes manifested by the damage you've done to yourself projected by your immune system.
1000% sobriety will deliver you the lessons you've been dying to learn if you only had the strength.
Every single pain and suffering I dealt with and supported correctly was another awareness and connection and that's why I share this with you so you can see the connections and the awareness I received from the lessons in my own world.
I don't go anywhere to learn these lessons... and when you begin to finally face your demons you will see visions and have dreams and awarenesses that you've never encountered before.
All the answers are within supported by air food water and climate control and a great husband or wife and enough space so you can have your own space
I am the darkness to his love and light and he is the love and light to my darkness and we are the balancing force.
Which is why you don't bring in people into your relationships or you will be ganged up upon and destroyed.
Two's a company
Three's a crowd
Three's a Company was a sitcom based upon deception and comedy
If you look at our house he resides in the light of the family room and sometimes I have to go into the darkness of my bedroom to escape the light because so much life is developing and I have to control it. sometimes I'll joke and they say he's a daywalker as I am a nightwalker referencing vampires because we are omnivores. We do eat meat milk cheese and eggs
The angels are the pain telling you you've done damage to yourself and the demons are the pleasure and paradise and the drugs to disable your ability to become whole again
The tardigrade water bears are the Angels and the hydra are the demons and they work together simultaneously. Which is why water can be used for life as well as death. Hydration Hydra..
The water bears look like your cute little bear or puppy and their predisposition could be programmed to be all the different archetypes and personalities.
And so imagine when these little microbes get damaged what kind of monsters they become and then the person becomes a monster when they damage themselves or they become damaged from somebody else and there's so many different levels of monstrosity.
That's why the system had to program people or else they turn into f****** literal serial killers..
and so when no government is not touching a family and a kid turns out to be aggressive and destructive you know the parents f*** that kid up and you'll never know whether or not the government was involved sometimes it's the grandparents who f***** up the kids who developed f***** up grandkids. It gets passed down generation to generation. One cannot always blame the parents because sometimes it's the grandparents genetics as well as the grandparents messing with the parents ways .
And so when you think about it it's the whole family that develops monsters in our society
That's why it's called the Manson Cult family.
It can take a village to f****** a kid
So what are demons if they don't really come from a different world?
They are the ugly microbes that make up the beauty of us through a collective because the only way we can see them is if we manifest them through our immune system.
The demons are the damaged parts of us that haunt us that want to come back to a world that isn't welcoming them..
And so you can have a collective demon such as Freddy Krueger and Mike Myers and Jason Voorhees which will always stay in the consciousness of the collective who have watched those movies with their children and parents over and over and over again until inevitably and predictably they become symbols of something based upon the meaning they applied to those archetypes
But the real demons are the damaged parts of you that haunt you until you figure out how to release those demons and fix yourself and I can't tell you if you can handle that kind of situation.
And so when you look through an electron microscope at the head of a lamprey or an ant or some parasitic energy or an insect and then you see those monsters manifest in the movies, those are the demons that make up the beauty of you or the destruction of you if you don't understand how to balance your own Angels and Demons.
That's why I don't recommend antiparasitics and I don't recommend antimicrobials and antibacterials or antivirals or antifungals because you're attacking the beauty of you causing the damage of you to haunt you for the rest of your life and destroy you and then of course life must carry on
and some people become sexually active and so the damage becomes the next generation until somebody ends the suffering.
The next generation could be a child or a new pandemic if the particles are strong enough and the energy is influential enough to cause aggressive communicability
And so during this great reset many people are going to be meeting their demons which is basically whatever they did to damage themselves through drugs alcohol sex and beating their body up through bad choices and life experiences.. people are going to see what they took on through sexual activity because those microbes stay in the body and sometimes they do turn into cancer and disease that the doctors have to go and wrangle those demons and the priests have to go and negotiate with them..
The great suffering right now many people are experiencing are the Jubilee, the Tribulations and Judgment Day and Revelations and some people will not learn their lesson they'll take their medication and go back to what they did before and not change a damn thing. Then the millions and millions of colonies eventually organize and shut down that person.
But you can't tell a person not to take their medication if it's prescribed by a doctor because it's a process to wean off of them if that's the intention with the help of a doctor and a dietitian weaning a person back onto the food supply versus the other way around.
The doctors and even the priests have to find a way to end their suffering and release those demons and they can't make the person suffer.
And so if you are raised around doctors and Priests then you must see them and do what you have to do. I was raised around doctors and rabbis but I didn't have health insurance for the longest time and when I did and I paid out the nose for it and they only recommendations they gave me was to drug my demons and then go talk to a therapist and so I walked away from the medical system and just suffered.
Which was my Saving Grace
The great pain and the great suffering experienced by so many people at once all together are the lessons and then you can choose whatever storyline you want to explain those pains and sufferings based upon what you've read on the internet and what your parents told you and what your government implied.
You get the choice to Choose Your Own Adventure and develop your own personal outcome chosen by you.
The Catholic Church knew exactly what they were dealing with. And they really shouldn't be disrespected. They're just as human as you are obviously and they make just as many mistakes has any human does obviously.
And that's why they're in the medical system because they know how these demons manifest.. and they have to watch for the most egregious demons that we've experienced in the 1960s 70s 80s and even today with the serial killers and the rapist and the monsters that our President is going to try to mitigate from coming through the borders but like anything it's hard to keep out monsters and so we live in a surveillance Society.
Because we also breed monsters ourselves... we also breed people who could do great harm to somebody else if given the opportunity and there are indicators.
Very clear indicators..
I had to wrangle with my own demons and that's how I know this because I've seen the demons I released and I've come upon demons in my world and some of them are formidable and deadly and luckily I got away .
And so if you want to point the finger at anyone as being demonic you better look at your own family and yourself because you could be breeding demons in your body Mind and Spirit or cultivate them in your household and then when they get released onto society
God help us all
and so I thank the priests and the doctors who have to deal with these demons in Body Mind and Spirit and sometimes they get "possessed" because they're on the front lines.
We thank you for your service just like we thank the soldiers going overseas and dying for their country.
The microbial world is so important to understand because it controls your world.
The closest I've been to the Vatican was Fatima in Portugal and it was awe inspiring. The vast compound with the looming buildings that are bigger than life as tall as the Giants of the past. And the rituals. It was an amazing experience
And so the J World gave me entrance to a lot of things in a religious world that I never would have encountered if it wasn't for my protocol and the controversy around it and the people I encountered ..
And if it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't have finished up my own Journey around religion and why people are so religious.
Well, I get it now..
the struggle between the angels and the demons and then the journey to go back to the ancestors to become accepted by the ancestors in the dead world as well as the waking world..
And for that knowledge and experience I'm grateful..
And I've also figured out that all people want is to be accepted by somebody even if they are dead. If they have to develop a child to accept them then that's just enough as a group or Society accepting them.
And that's what people strive for is acceptance by somebody or something even if they have to cut off their own flesh to do it..
And that's the struggle.. the suffering to feel accepted and what people do to themselves to feel accepted and that includes body modification or developing children..
And so theoretically when you become WHOLE again you won't strive for the acceptance from others because you are enough. And you're not chasing after parts of you that are lost..
The Search is Over.
By the way whatever you see at the Vatican with all of that ghoulish looking demonic statues; those are the microbes and the pestilence you hold inside and then the children you develop from the pestilence.
They're showing you what humanity is capable of REPRODUCING when they do damage to themselves and they reproduce damage for generations.