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The Magic of 3am and 3pm

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

And so I noticed a pattern in my world around pressure retention and pressure release since I've become extremely purified as I am a thousand percent sober and it took me 8 years to get here.

3AM in the morning is the pressure release.

And the rate of pressure release has everything to do with the rate of pressure retention I built up during the day due to my lifestyle and environment and climate and particle acceleration.

Now you know what people die between 3 and 5:00 a.m. because the pressure built up was so great they didn't have enough infrastructure or life force to release the pressure and so the body supernovaed and the water balloon burst which is why athletes and young women with children skinnier than a rail die suddenly. The pressure was so great they couldn't afford the energy conversion. They became bankrupt

And so, when the rate of pressure retention is built up during the day, due to my exposure to diversity like people places things and animals plus the rate of particle acceleration of the piezoelectric climate forces building on itself, then sometimes pressure release must happen around 3:00 in the afternoon only to build up more pressure after I eat food to release more pressure at 3:00 in the morning

Now you know why you get sleepy around 3:00 in the afternoon why people want naps because of body has to relieve the pressure and repair itself.

And that's why I do the best thinking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning because I'm not distracted by the pressure retention of building up the knowledge and the energy during the day and afternoon.

Why do you think your cats are so aggressive at 3:00 a.m. in the morning because that's the best time for them to get out the most energy and they sleep most of the day.

the system wants your mind.. but you must find a way to keep your body around..

Imhotep was proof he was able to establish a lot of basic foundations of our society before he was 20 and then he was done. Dr Seuss said adults are obsolete children so this is the time to mature and grow up and stop being an a****** and not only take care of your body correctly but also take care of your mind or else you'll turn into a thug and a lug and dumb yourself down to the most common denominator. There is something to be said for intellectual ability and intelligence not just sexual ability and strength in muscles

If you give the system a piece of your mind, the system will give you the tools to keeps yourself around, assuming you know how to adapt.

that is quid pro quo.

If you cannot learn, how is that the system's fault?

And you're being given all the tools to learn everything you could possibly want. It took me 8 years to learn everything I post on Facebook. I don't care if you think I'm full of s*** I don't care if you think I'm lying or I sold out. I don't care if you don't believe in Globe versus Flat Earth. I could give a s***.

You're the one that's going to collapse in on yourself at some point if you don't learn about physics and chemistry and biology and evolution. You're the one that seals your own fate..

What's my payment in all of this that I'm doing?

 The system still gives me the environment to live even if they blow me out of kingdom come from nuclear war, then I guess wont matter but they have my mind all over f****** Facebook

And now I know why I was always blowing my nose and feeling the worst crazy dreams at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. Why I was coughing so hard in the middle of the night 3:00 in the morning because the body was relieving the pressure.

And so during the day when I had the headaches a few years ago the body was building a pressure and that's why I had the migraines and then overnight I was coughing relieving the pressure because the mucus was coming out. That's when i met the covid-19 devil and he is brutal

And so when people condition their body not to relieve pressure they die in their sleep because the growth has nowhere to go and the proverbial balloon bursts.. it's all physics and that's why you're all pissed off at all the images you've seen in war because the system is putting on the pressure and you're the one that's going to destroy yourself with heart attacks and strokes because you're feeding into the b*******..

There's enough pressure in your environment that to voluntary take on activism pressure because someone is "forcing you" to see images is self-induced torture and people do it to themselves all the time when they walk towards suffering purposely just so they can feel the suffering and then blame someone for it and they die from it. Many of you will die for countries that don't give a s*** about you because you're under so much pressure you're going to f****** pop and destroy yourself as well as your children

And you'll never know when that wave of energy passes over your house causing immune system activation

That's also why people get strokes and aneurysms early in the morning overnight because the body is trying to relieve pressure and they felt a sudden event and then it's downhill from there because they have no idea how to characterize it correctly and you can't make people suffer and so they systematically get taken down by the medical and the holistic system

 that's why the remedies market is a f****** deadly market and i extremely dislike the holistic market because they set your ass up to fail literally but if people do not understand how to suffer to live I guess that's the best way to go is dying your sleep which f****** sucks..

And so if you're taking advice from elderly people and highly sensitive middle-aged and young people selling you their version of protection while they are breaking down you'll end up just like them.

 Under so much pressure you're going to pop and destroy yourself

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