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The Power of Dystopian

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

The Dystopian world is kind of my world that dystopian aesthetic of chasing Evolution and strengthening my Body Mind and Spirit and intelligence

The two different Aesthetics of the dark eastern European block and Barbie Dreamland shows you how environment can shape a human and the dark dank suffering can develop strengths as long as you have food and education in the background. I like the dark because it is a strong base to work from and then you can add color based on how appropriate it is.

 The very colorful pink aesthetic of the Barbie dream world could potentially make someone's mind extremely innovative but the body would suffer because you see how easy it is to live Barbie dream life. And even though you could say well you can go to a gym and work out, that's not the same.

Once you use up all the colors how do you develop your own if you've never had a develop your own colors before.

The darkness is where you find and hunt for the colors and you will always have a base to go to because you knew how to develop color from the darkness to begin with.

So much strength in the dystopian world because the Barbie dream world is exactly what it is it's a dream.

Color programming and the bright bright colors are all over California. Once you've exhausted this colors you have to go back to the darkness to develop more hormones and more Innovation and more survivability..

California Dreaming was exactly the tagline. It was a dream. Welcome to the new world of a dystopian paradise to strengthen the human race.

And I find so much strength in the suffering and dystopian. That's why so many people gravitate towards the dark Aesthetics because the lights and the bright is blinding.

Contrast you need the contrast

Time to get sober

Eastern Europe and Russia and Ukraine and all of the dark dark side of the world is a tapestry of survivability and when you finally have earned your way into the colors then you go to Switzerland and you shine your colors as bright as can be until a new cycle begins.

Immunological exchange students are students who know they have to strengthen their immune system and so they go and live in another country far more brutal than where they came from as far as the weather and the environment and they're given a certain amount of money to pay for rent and heat and food and AC and now they have to survive the microbes and the climate and they have to know how to deal with their own immune system without medical intervention.

That would be an amazing type of conditioning..

And they're given only the basics like a square apartment with security because you don't want people hurting you. You have a bed with blankets, you have internet so you can record your feelings each day and you have a view.

What kind of spirits of that world come visit you in your dreams and who might you encounter when you're out there.? What kind of sickness would you have to deal with and what more awarenesses could you develop and then you have access to information and reading material and you have a TV.

That would be like what people do when they go to the desert and they sit in a circle and find the spirit in the sky or something. People did that in California they would go to the desert to sit in a circle and fast and then meet the Spirit in the Sky. This is different.

Because this is not about fasting and this is not about sweating things out and it's not about meeting a Spirit in the Sky. This is about a strengthening the mind and the body eating the food of an area with strong strong people. I'm telling you Eastern European men and women in some of these parts are extremely strong strong people just like German men and Scottish men and Viking men.

 But I like the dark aesthetic and I like the look of industry, smoke stacks and the suffering and the dystopian background and then you know sickness which is basically evolution, will find its way into that person and how will that person deal with all the microbes and the spirits of that area?

The immunological battle is the safest battle to have mixing diverse people together because it's your own battle with other people's microbes.

 You're not forcing people to deal with your violence and belief system and thought process because your very presence immunologically can be extremely interesting and so when you are a foreigner in a foreign land and you are a minority their microbes are stronger than yours and do you have what it takes to handle other people's STRONG microbes in a foreign land, in a dystopian foreign land without getting a vaccine prior to your arrival?

That's the ultimate optimal battle.

It is the immunological battle.

Chasing sickness chasing evolution and getting a vaccine is probably not that different

 but I would want to gain immunity the organic way. No vaccines no remedies and no using food as medicine and using only my intelligence and a basic infrastructure like food water and shelter and climate control with access to the internet and a way to record my experience.

 Total immunological and cultural immersion backed by food water rest and release.

And that's the world you're entering into. That's the new world until the system scales everything down and we EARN the colors again.

But why don't you do it here when there's people that you could hang out with that are bigger and stronger than you from other countries and stronger microbes? I have done it and I can mix in with my community and get sick all the time and then go to the process of supporting it and I need a break. At this point the seasons changing it's causing so much aggressive immunological activation that I don't really have to leave my house. And so it's a matter of how long and how often and are the frequencies going to be turned up in the other countries or turned down?

But you see where I'm coming from. But you know every frequency shift makes the microbes in any area a lot stronger which is going to toughen up the weakest person or destroy them.

Believe me I've been getting doses and doses and doses of everyone's microbes in my area and it's been brutal The Last 5 Years.

What if there was another way to be other than what you are and who you are today?

What if there was something else available and something else accessible giving you the opportunity to see something totally different?

I don't even know how to explain it because your perspective is very different from my perspective and you would know what that something would be that would be totally different.

That's why there isn't a universal cure except for all death, like nuclear war, that's the ultimate cure is completely obliterating planet Earth and none of us survive which is basically all out human extinction. That's the ultimate cure for Humanity. So maybe you might want to reconsider chasing the cures because you might extinct yourself and your family genetic line

And so there isn't a universal cure or remedy for everyone because everyone came into this world and dealing with this world and also leaving this world, regardless of how you characterize leaving this world, in different orders of magnitude.

Some people came into this world in 1 orders of magnitude of 10 and others came into this world in 10 orders of magnitude of 10.

When you have a lot more to work with you have a lot more immunity to back up energy conversion.

 That's why you can't sell people cures.

 You have no idea what they're working with and you could kill them

So, I already left the old world but I still live in it.

 But can you leave the old world and still live within the same world at the same time? Well I'm doing it.

And so don't get mad at people who are trying to show you a different way of looking at the world. They might come off judgmental and mean and uncharacteristic of what they were before but they know the old world is dying.

 Literally dying.

And humans don't like watching other humans die.

And it's not difficult to diagnose people because psychology gives everybody the opportunity to fit within a diagnosis so they don't have to explore a different world.

 And so when you are diagnosed you'll find every way possible to treat your evolution until you die someday. There are different levels of evolution and different levels of diagnosis and like sobriety there are different levels of sobriety.

The system made Evolution extremely diagnosable so you're afraid of it and then you take drugs for it and you destroy yourself for it.

And like any small change when you resist change it becomes an aggressive diagnosable condition leading to death.

That's why the medicines and the food mitigation diets and all the different drugs compound the issue. But at this point when someone's in the middle of an issue they don't know if they should go forward or go backwards.

And going forwards and backwards is relative to perspective and perception so you can never tell someone to move forward or go backwards because you have no idea from what vantage point they are working from.

 So you walk away and let them figure out how they're going to deal with their own evolution or you bring in a professional..

In my world you'll go backward in time and revisit every single issue and deal with it in a different way and if you don't want to do that, don't even look at my world because you won't be able to handle revisiting every single issue you handled one way and you thought you handled it.

 No you didn't handle , you just put it to sleep.

Essentially you just drugged it.

Or you reproduced it in a child

That was how the system controlled you and your family. They kept selling you the therapies and the cures to keep you performing in almost the same way with gradual Evolution based upon the permission from the system.

That's why they didn't like me 8 years ago because I was releasing people from the jail of the cures but that was a scary time. And rightfully so because you weren't introduced to what it's like to be uncured.

 It took 10 years for people to see where I was coming from and even then people still don't see where I'm coming from but I would say a handful people understand my perspective because they're living it.

 And when you are uncured and not under the influence your perspective will change astronomically. You will gain entrance to the different dimensions because you do have to sleep at some point.

That's when a lot of the poignant messages get delivered is when you are sleeping. People send you messages when you're awake because they're resisting you or they need something from you but when you're asleep the dead world will try to take you out or your angels will try to save you or warn you

People did not know back in 2018 how to deal with heart attacks and strokes when those clots woke up. It was set to happen anyways but we made it happen before it would kill the person.

Did you die? Oh Jillian you harmed somebody. No I didn't.

You held that sin of clots and remedies and drugs and alcohol and everything within your immune system.

 All I did was wake up your immune system and I didn't even know it.

 I let you know you are alive. And it wasn't even me because that was not my intention, it was the salt that you were missing because everything was "floating" before the piezoelectricity of the ionic and covalent bonding from salt particles caused your body to work the way it was supposed to.

The system kept the power of salt from you so you didn't understand your power and rightfully so because people would abuse it..

just look at your Facebook community how people are abusing Ivermectin and other remedies sold to them by their friends.

People abuse everything they don't understand and they're looking for the f****** shortcuts

And the only person that died tied to my world was somebody who was already deemed in hospice and that's how the system used that guy to scare the living s*** out of you and I completely understand

When you survive a heart attack and stroke that's letting you know your lifestyle and belief system must change or else you will do more damage to yourself trying to stop it from the future.

Every single person holds the sins within their immune system. The system controlled when those sins would take you out and at what point will you learn from the sins.

Now everybody is competing on a Level Playing Field because we're all getting different types of energy relative to our tolerance level and then now it's up to you to learn your lessons or die from them and it's up to you to release the sin from within.

And so I would say introducing the salt was a precursor and a warning of what was to come and you had to get conditioned for the ionic and the covalent bonding that's happening right now called died suddenly.

That's literally what's going on is the aggressive ionic and covalent bonding from the climate change frequencies is what's causing a died suddenly regardless of therapy status.

If we would have done my world 8 years ago, today, a lot more people would have died because they were not conditioned for pain and suffering and release and retention and understanding the food supply.

 The fact that I introduced salt back into people's existence so they had no fear of it now they understand too much salt you become cured and constipated and not enough salt YOU WOULD be a sitting duck for climate change to take your ass out especially when you hold so much sin within your immune system and blood vessels.

 So essentially I probably saved a lot of lives and gave people a little bit of hope but the system would never confirm that because how could you quantify saving a life?

 But at least you can measure hope regardless of what you are hopeful for.

There are people who have never been introduced to my world and they're dying suddenly regardless of therapy status because they were not conditioned for retention and release and they're actively starving themselves.

Nothing is coincidental and I couldn't even say my world was planned but the universe always has a balancing force.

And the more the system came down on me the more determined I was to prove how f****** correct I was. I was not afraid of punishment. But I learned why the system came down to me extremely hard.

But the reason why you get access to Facebook so you can see why people say what they say and you get to see the examples out there even if you probably think you can't do what they're doing.

 There's no way to system could have told you any of this because you would flip them off and spit in their face and so we have to watch the hard lessons and potentially even experience the hard lessons.

Anecdotal evidence is only evidence to the person and other people who've experienced the same thing from the same situation for the most part. But anecdotal evidence is not evidence inof itself because you'd have to sit in the shoes in your own world and characterize the activity in almost the same way..

Anecdotal evidence is just another storyline to draw from.

Jillian Epperly

Now you see why humans who are closer to death realize a lot of things before the people who were born into this world with so much and take it for granted.

Spoiled children take for granted what they have and kids who are basically raised on the basics are extremely grateful to have air food water shelter and climate control.

And that's why the system is promoting austerity.

 It is survival of the fittest and the most strategic and I don't love it it f****** sucks but you have to understand what's going on and maybe you might survive whatever is going on.

The Democrats promote austerity and then the Republicans will give people more Law and Order and more police officers but you still have less luxuries but very capable men might be able to survive this if they can pull back.

Women it just depends on if they're choosing to have big families and or lots of sex with drugs and alcohol with the same person or different people while working long hours.

But extremely capable men have an edge over many people if they can figure out how to manage the pressure retention pressure release and their lifestyle and belief system and they don't fall into the diets and demonizing food.

Austerity is a policy or practice of reducing spending and living with fewer luxuries to balance the budget and restore competitiveness:


Governments use austerity policies to reduce domestic wages and prices, cut budgets, and lower taxes.


Austerity can also refer to a way of living with few or no luxuries. For example, "The wartime austerity of my early years prepared me for later hardships".


Austerity can also refer to the quality of being austere in appearance or manner. For example, "the austerity of her short hair and plain grey suit".

Austerity policies can have negative health and social impacts, particularly for vulnerable populations. For example, in the UK, austerity measures led to:

An increase in child poverty

An increase in homelessness

A reduction in the number of police officers

A reduction in the number of nurses

The closure of almost 800 public libraries

The axing of more than 490,000 government jobs

Google AI Generated definition of austerity

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