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The Prodigal Sons and the Prodigal Daughters Return Home

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

This Christmas is far more significant than any other Christmas I've ever encountered

 I understand religion now.

The Rosicrucian Order is about taking from all religions and realizing they all are connected.

The order constitutes Hermeticism Jewish mysticism Christian Gnosticisn encapsulating Ancient Egypt Greek and Roman gods and everything you know in your world

There are spiritual political and religious accounting systems you must be aware of..

During this great reset all loans are being called in and that includes the immunological loans the system gave you

 I hope you have enough reserves to get you through

We all have to pay Penance for the sins we committed against ourselves and our genetic line and so dying for a country or a person place or thing are the ideas other people must die in order for others to live.

That's the whole point of Jesus Christ was that he died to save your soul.

Just like when someone dies in your world they're dying for your sins until somebody ends the suffering and stops sinning against themselves and the world .

Just like when mothers sacrifice themselves for their kids they for all intents and purposes are like a Jesus Christ and they're dying for their sins.

Not only are they paying penance for the sins they commit against themselves but they're also dying for their children sins until the children and the childrens children stop sinning against their own flesh.

Then we can stop with the dying for other people's sins..

But if we keep committing sins against our body Mind and Spirit we will keep having to die to save others.

And there are so many levels of sin. We have man-made law and we have natural law and those two worlds must conjoin so that way we can sin in a social acceptable way but we can always take sin way too far and that's why the system is cracking down.

By the way I've been having to pay for the sins of my fathers and mothers as well as the sin i have committed against myself the last 50 years and especially the last 5 years...

Paying for your own sins are brutal and also paying for the sins of your parents are just as brutal. But that's the spiritual immunological environmental accounting system all of us are not immune to.

And so now in this new world everything you thought was socially acceptable is still socially acceptable but you'll be held accountable through pain and suffering and died suddenly.

That's nature's accounting system. And she is completely unforgiving now.

And I literally have so much respect for the Catholic church

And if you were to ask me five years ago about any kind of religion I would tell you everyone's stupid in those religions and now I f****** get it.. oh no there's a reason why we have religion.

 It is a moral framework which is why it will be thrust in schools or you will have a satanic segment of society and you will have to deal with that pejorative categorization..

I have a lot of respect for Christianity and Judaism and all spirituality especially around the accounting systems. Rock on

Lol i think i bought communion wafers and not realized it.

Now this was not my intent because I wanted to have a little treat which is a prime rib and cheese and crackers and I'm watching movies with my husband Christmas Eve. Christmas Day we just lazily do whatever we do. And so I bought a type of Brie cheese or soft cheese and whatever festive crackers and it just happens it looks like communion.

Prime Rib is BRAIN FOOD

When I had pounding migraine headaches a few years ago I was eating steak so my body could release and also rebuild my brain.

One must release mr hanky and "friends" to rebuild VITAL ORGANS or else mr hanky turns into a ferocious BABY RHINO SHREDDING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT

Yes, meat can be good for brain health because it contains nutrients that are important for brain function:

Iron: Helps with cognitive function, language, and motor skills. Lean red meats like sirloin steak are high in iron.

Protein: Helps neurons communicate with each other.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Maintains brain and neurological function.

B12: Vital for brain and nerve cell function.

Zinc: Supports brain function.

Tyrosine: Helps the brain produce chemical messengers that make mental functions efficient.

Meat consumption has also been linked to improved cognitive development, verbal ability, and activity level in children. In older adults, red meat can improve muscle health and protect against sarcopenia.

However, red meat can be high in saturated fat and salt, which can raise cholesterol and blood pressure. Saturated fat has also been linked to poor cognitive function. (RELEASE THE DEMONS)

Christians eat communion, also known as the Lord's Supper, to remember Jesus' sacrifice for humanity's sins:

Remembrance: Communion is a way to remember Jesus' death on the cross and the pain he endured.

Acknowledgment: Communion is a way to acknowledge Christ's sacrifice and the basis of the Christian worldview.

Spiritual nourishment: Communion is a way to receive spiritual nourishment from Jesus.

Unity: Communion is a way to become united with Christ through his humanity.

Forgiveness: Communion is a way to know the forgiveness of the cross.

Repentance: Communion is a way to examine our hearts, confess, repent, and follow Christ.

During communion, Christians eat a small piece of bread and drink a sip of wine or grape juice. The bread symbolizes Jesus' body, and the wine symbolizes his blood. Jesus is quoted as saying, “Do this in remembrance of me”.

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Luv it.

The dystopian Eastern Communist Bloc aesthetic is sobering, uncomplicated, cold, austere, dark, dank, and simple. It is a gorgeous contrast where beautiful dreams begin

Gobs of a melancholic industrialized environment with an air of institutionalized thought process hunting for inspiration, creativity and beauty..

Arriving in Canton Ohio off of cherry street in Oct 2010 was a breath of dystopian fresh air from the

spray on stucco gingerbread homes in california..

Observing the sharp metal edges hanging off of dilapidated post WW2 architecture littered with rusting fence lines, shadows of terraced hillsides with brutalist style square wraparound govt housing with sheets in the windows and dilapidated cars with an occasional white Escalade and rims, and tall factory smoke stacks and car parts winding its way around the city clued me in I was not in Oz anymore.. i was back in "Kansas", where it all began..

Living in dystopian surroundings is a gift

You can start all over, again but now, with more knowledge and a contrast to work from.

You can build your own beautiful world vs taking the prefab one already designed for you.

California was a prefabricated world that if you could survive leaving it, you could engineer your own world if you had the means and desire to.

The torture of living a prefabricated life is..where is the joy in building an orginal life?

The dystopian life is what dreams were made from.

There is so much power in facing your own darkness

I've watched the series a few times now and all from different points of view because I was at different levels of evolution at the time.

The first time I watched it it was through the entertainment side of my thought process and so it was more about being scared and entertained and looking for a nice storyline. I watched it again before because I wanted to get entertained again and get scared again and still stay in a nice storyline.

I rewatch a lot of these shows because I'm at different points in different levels of thought process.

I'm watching the show again because now it has a religious and balance significance that offers you insight to what the system is trying to show you through penance and repentance and sins and going back to where you came from to relive and relearn.

Sometimes you have to leave Kansas to go to Oz to see what you have to do back home even if home is not Kansas and it will be different for everybody..

For me home is dystopian, it's not the prefabricated lifestyle I was brought into because I was born in dystopia but I was given a chance in a pre-fabricated lifestyle and then had to go back to dystopian to figure it out..

yes, I do consider Canton Ohio dystopian because it's like going back to the beginning over here. It's not high falutant it's not high end.

Though, there are parts of town that some would consider high-end because they are the executives living behind gated communities or the politicians who run this town and we thank them for their service

 Canton Ohio is like a rebirth.. in other words it's like having 50-year-old knowledge and experience in an 8-year-old body.

Midnight Mass ,which is also a Christmas term when people go to mass at midnight on Christmas Eve, has one segment in the series showing you two people who left the island and went off and ran away from home and got drunk out there in the world and made bad choices realized the answer wasn't out there following rock bands or getting drunk and hitting somebody and killing somebody.

It was like The Prodigal Son and The Prodigal daughter returning home

They both were in the same alignment and came back to the island either on parole or pregnant. That was significant. They both came back cursed and have greatly sinned against their own Body Mind and Spirit and the world and now it's time to face the demons of hell

Eventually you're going to have to go back home which is within your body and pay penance for all the transgressions you committed against the world and yourself and pain Penance is brutal and it's hell

A "prodigal son" or "prodigal daughter" refers to someone who leaves their family, often behaving poorly or making decisions disapproved of by their family, but later returns home feeling remorseful and wanting to be reconciled with their loved ones; essentially, a person who has "gone astray" but then comes back to the fold, typically used figuratively and originating from the biblical parable of the Prodigal Son.

Key points about "prodigal son/daughter":


The phrase comes from the Bible, specifically the parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke's Gospel, where a son squanders his inheritance and then returns home to his forgiving father.


It describes someone who has left their family or community, often engaging in reckless behavior, and then later returns, usually with a sense of regret and desire to be welcomed back.

Figurative usage:

"Prodigal son/daughter" is often used metaphorically to describe anyone who has strayed from their path or made poor choices but then decides to return and make amends.

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And so as you know I've been doing a lot of confirmation around religion and the roles of these leaders who have ancient knowledge. They pass down ancient knowledge between each other. I wouldn't call them false gods or false prophets though yes some of them have made money off of selling people tickets to Heaven however I mean people make it easy. They think they can by their way into anything.

 So when you think you can buy your way into anything somebody will take advantage of you. But this guy is pretty interesting I know he's about scripture and about staying in the word and all of that and I understand if you need a place to go if you don't know who the angels and demons are in your world then the system will give you an angel or a demon to worship or hate until you figure out your own discernment.

Many people I have encountered and the people that follow them are on the same kind of path and realizing how bad it's going to be if not how bad it's been. People know everything is going to get worse.

 But it's nice to see you there are some kind of alignment between all of us.. I mean all of us regardless of religion politics or science.

Deep down inside all of you know it's going to get worse

He also has a book on Amazon about inheriting demons and certain things you keep around your house could be cursed and develop demons and so he's definitely a guy worth checking out and if you hold demons within then there's a lot of things out there and objects that assimilate to the demons you hold with him but like anything everything is temporary.

He's just trying to give you the best way to navigate this new world just like the holistic and medical system is.

But he's doing it through the spiritual side of it

 I like this guy's attitude I like his excitement I like his audience. Take a look at this guy he's interesting to check out.. and I also like the fact he's Italian and he's been to the Vatican. He has a great disposition

And I have been noticing other data scientists talking about January 21st is going to be extremely formidable and from that point on so please be prepared for anything.

 The pandemic is not over. It's just begun.

If you're sick now this is the perfect time to figure out how you're going to deal with it and go back to your past files to see what you could be coming up against.

I can't tell you how to deal with your sickness but as you know I had to deal with sickness because I'm uncured the last 5 years as the system was heating up.

You're going to be experiencing that from this point forward if not already. The sicknesses are going to get worse and worse.

 Figure it out

The Catholics and the Jews and the Hindus all understand the power of paying penance for the sins committed against life...

The reason why I have not focused on Islam or Muslim is because I do not know enough about the different sides to their faiths to make any assertions.

If you are Muslim or Islam, I am sure there is also a spiritual accounting system your faith undergoes. And since the Muslim world is also in the Sciences world, I can safely assume Science would enter into the equation. All accounting systems and principles are based in science and so Muslims also have their own accounting system. I just don't know what it is. I don't know who the players are and I'm not going to assume to know or offend anyone so I will let them figure it out

when people avoid accountability, they accuse others of hurting them when they, in fact, have hurt themselves.

Mother Nature, ie microbes, holds everyone accountable, at some point..

Yesterday Christmas Eve I slept in almost about 7am. That's almost unheard of. It's been awhile since I slept in till about 7:00 and it's been a long while since I've slept in till about 8:00 or 9:00. I've gotten up at 3:00 in the morning and gone back to bed around 10:00.

And so yesterday I wanted to find a prime rib for our holiday because it's the best cut of meat ever and we learned how to pressure cook it and then broil it in the Ninja foodie and it taste wonderful. And so we left to go to Giant Eagle to go on the hunt for some holiday food and I was in Giant Eagle for about half hour to an hour give or take. I felt no major anxiety in there or no major energy I was smiling like a Cheshire Cat because I love the energy in the store. I didn't feel anxiety when I came home.

 I didn't feel like I had to take a shower or anything right after.

 And then I enjoyed the rest of the day with my husband and we watched movies and the King Kong and Godzilla new Empire was a great great Netflix movie. You should watch it it has its own message.

And it was like the system gave me a break because usually I would have had to go to bed after that hour or so at the store. It was as if life was before the pandemic and someone has no I had a nice day yesterday.

We'll have a nice day today..

I would imagine even the system goes on breaks from making us a work so hard immunologically.

Be thankful for the good days because they will be few and far between

By the way I had a dream yesterday morning that my fence line was down I could see all of my neighbors backyard because our fence line was down

I don't know what that means but.. spring is not too far around the corner and neither is tornado season and hurricane season and everyone's facade will be stripped clean.

You will see the emperor had no clothes and he never did

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