This is actually the healthiest food in the world but you can't tell people who are dying that this is the healthiest food in the world
The people who are against the standard American diet would rather eat pestilence drink pesticides and then die suddenly. But before they die suddenly they would starve themselves as those pestilence eat out their insides.
Every food in the standard American diet got me over every single disease I encountered through releasing the pestilence or acquiring pestilence through aggressive environment such as down south right after a hurricane.
The Organics industry would have killed me if I would have starved myself during the last 5 years.
It was the meat it was the milk it was the CARBS LIKE SPAGHETTI MILK CHEESE EGGS everything in the standard American diet that saved my ass.
And watch these influencers from other countries basically take down hundreds of thousands of people through their beliefs as they are robust man galavant in all over the universe selling their lifestyle and people are eating it up
it's quite extraordinary watching all this happen
And that was the depopulation agenda.
And the only reason why this food saved my ass was because I found a way to condition myself to release the demons. Not take on "organic demons" causing aggressive weight gain or aggressive weight loss.
But you're going to watch during climate change people who cannot release or they release so much and can't retain because of starvation, will not survive the aggressive environment.
Everything is about balance.
Literally everything is. And the Standard American Diet is everything your body needs because Genghis Khan developed so much endurance from the Standard American Diet.
That's why he was able to take over so much land from east to west. He was f****** badass and he ate the Standard American Diet.
Yes I'm proud to be an American because at least I know I'm literally free.
Because Americans are going to show you what happens when you add a + b or B + a or D + e and then you can make a choice how you want to end up
then you'll see also the logic behind all the government agencies and the World Health Organization.
America is still the last greatest experiment and we are still the leading experiments and Labs all over the world. You will see the immunological and biological IF THEN equations and then you'll see why we are all competing a Level Playing Field because the environment is going to change and you either evolve to the level of your peers or you decline from the level of your peers. The choice is yours
The Standard American Diet (SAD), also known as the Western diet, is a dietary pattern that's high in processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars, and low in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods:
Common SAD foods include:
Processed foods
Fast foods
Red meat
Processed meats
Sugar-laden baked goods
Refined grains
Sugar-sweetened drinks
When they say I will never forget the men who died who gave their life to me
it means those who either volunteered for an experiment or were forced into an experiment and they didn't survive it but the knowledge of why they survived or lived is what gave life to me.
Every single experiment out there regardless of how it came about was the knowledge of why we practice certain practices and why we have such a split in our society. All of us are being observed in our natural habitats with our politics religion science and diets.
People who died before me gave us access to all the knowledge that developed what we see today. It's not necessarily on the battlefield against some said enemy. The war was the experiment failed or successful.
That includes all the American orphanages that turned people into stars or villains including all the soldiers in Foreign Wars and domestic Wars
Now this makes sense. Climate change will develop a lot more pathogenic life forms and so we must interweave antibiotics within the food supply such as genetically modify and treat the food and if we are pulling out of the World Health Organization because of our beliefs many people will not survive the Organics industry and that was intentional.
And so the world's going to watch us get eaten alive by the parasites while some of us will release the demons and other people will be overwritten and destroyed but they'll be on there supplements and detoxes making the parasites within stronger and formidable.
And so if there are antibiotics in the air food and water that's fine so that way I don't have to treat myself with antibiotics. So I'm an untreated person longing for a treated universe so I don't have to keep fighting these f****** demonic battles but I will be an untreated person in an untreated World until the system is okay with the amount of death and destruction.
And then we would have learned our lesson because there's nothing like learning at the 11th Hour why the FDA and the EPA and the USDA and the World Health Organization have been actually right and correct and so America and the West will learn some pretty harsh lessons.
And you can't say we weren't warned and so we'll watch everybody battle their internal demons and that's why the system is a surveillance society because those little demons will get out of control as the climate becomes more and more aggressive with more and more untreated food untreated air and untreated water and treated people sucking down the pesticides as if it was water
Wow perpetrated long before some of us were even born. Yeah they aimed to repeat the Middle Ages and to summon the next bubonic plague.
And so we have untreated food and treated bodies which is a recipe for the Bubonic plague and a literal immunological natural disaster. So you should treat the food and sometimes the bodies need to get treated but too much fertility and procreation makes every single strategy ineffective.
As far as pesticides well if you don't want to have the soil become cured from life and growth then you develop genetically modify so it's part of the actual plant and it doesn't ruin the soil.
I get what the system is doing. It's actually quite brilliant if you understand it. But when the ground is too cured because of so many synthetic minerals which is basically organic then it'll be very difficult to grow any food in a cured environment.
Too many minerals that's basically constipation. So you develop pesticides within the food so that way the food is able to grow without being cured from all the synthetic chemicals so to speak and it's able to give people half cure and half evolution so they can still stay intact without turning into Tupperware and they have the ability to evolve when they need to
you don't want a person to be straight up plastic.
The term "organic farming" was first used in 1940 by Lord Northbourne (Walter James, 1896-1982) in his book Look to the Land:
Lord Northbourne
Known for
Coining the term "organic farming"
Look to the Land (1940)
Described a holistic, ecologically balanced approach to farming, based on the idea of the farm as a living organism
The organic farming movement arose in response to the industrialization of agriculture, which introduced synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in the early 1900s. The negative environmental effects of these new chemicals led to a desire to return to more natural farming methods.
The term "organic" has also been used by early soil scientists to describe the differences in soil composition when animal manures were used, as opposed to synthetic fertilizers.
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Yes, raw juices can contain parasites, as well as other harmful bacteria and viruses:
Parasites: Cryptosporidium parvum is a protozoan parasite that can contaminate raw juices.
Bacteria: E. coli O157:H7 and various Salmonella species are enteric bacterial pathogens that can contaminate raw juices.
Viruses: Hepatitis A is a virus that can contaminate raw juices.
Fruits and vegetables can become contaminated with these pathogens in a number of ways, including:
Animal contact: Produce can become contaminated through direct contact with animal feces or indirectly through contaminated irrigation water or runoff.
Handling, processing, or transportation: Fruit used to make juice can become contaminated during these steps.
To reduce the risk of foodborne illness, you can:
Only make as much juice as you can drink at once.
Choose pasteurized commercial fresh juice.
If you juice your own fruits and vegetables, be aware that the risk of microbiological contamination is the same whether they are grown using conventional or organic methods.
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Save the Planet eat organic Try not to panic
I drink treated milk because I don't need the excessive parasites that are in raw milk..
And I get the nutrients and the lactobacillus and the amino acids but I don't get the excessive parasites. How many people who are taking remedies vasoconstricting their colon and are drinking raw milk full of parasites as well as eating raw foods. You can't make this up.
Yes, raw milk can contain parasites, and it can also contain harmful bacteria and viruses:
Cryptosporidium: A parasite that causes cryptosporidiosis, a diarrheal disease. Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, fever, and weight loss.
E. coli: A harmful bacteria that can contaminate raw milk.
Campylobacter: A harmful bacteria that can contaminate raw milk.
Listeria: A harmful bacteria that can contaminate raw milk.
Salmonella: A harmful bacteria that can contaminate raw milk.
Raw milk is unpasteurized, meaning it hasn't been heated to kill harmful germs. The risk of getting sick from drinking raw milk is much higher than drinking pasteurized milk. The CDC recommends that everyone, especially children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems, drink only pasteurized milk and milk products.
To avoid drinking raw milk, you can:
Read the label to check if the milk is pasteurized.
Ask the store clerk if the milk has been pasteurized.
Don't buy milk from farmers' markets or roadside stands unless you can confirm it's been pasteurized.
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Save the Planet eat organic try not to panic
The standard American diet is the internal workout of your immune system so you can rebuild with very strong resources as well as have enough internal muscles and muscle control to release.
Eating organic diets not only develop aggressive parasitic infections but there is no conditioning for retention or release and people are basically jelly and gelatinous.
Organic diet eaters are great for sex because they're all soft and squishy as well as potentially pushing out a few babies.
So of course they're highly sexualized and of course family and relationship are in the background and that makes it easy for the takedown when the climate changes and they can't handle the standard American diet so they're stuck eating tofu and sprouts and then the body eats itself alive because it needs to eat some kind of protein meat protein source or animal protein source..
and when you are a vegan and vegetarian if you're young enough you can cannibalize a man and eat whatever he gives you out of his body and those are highly sexualized women who also develop babies
and vegan and vegetarian men as well as men who eat meat also like to eat women alive through aggressive sexuality.. this also happens in the lgbtq relationships as women eat each other and Men eat each other I mean it's all sexual cannibalization with the outcome of children potentially
If you don't feed your body animal proteins regardless of where it comes from the body will be stuck cannibalizing itself and that's what vegans and vegetarians do who eat highly organic diets full of parasites sucking down pesticides every single day to control the parasites or disable their immune system so they don't feel the body eating itself alive. But hey they're going to promote they're in such great health because they don't s*** anything as they're holding on to parasites and they're starving and potentially highly intolerant or all about love love love and live in the hive Minds surrounded by people who worship their soft faces and whispering voices and their yoga poses as people watch them do handstands and handstands and splits all over Facebook. Yeah it's basically Facebook burlesque but it is soft pedal through family and Health and Wellness
And that's why you have men who are womanizers because these women make themselves available to these men who are hungry and a McDonald's hamburger isn't enough when they have so many soft females out there throwing themselves at their feet
And then the vegan and vegetarian workout muscle weight lifting people might inflate their muscles which could give them some kind of synthetic strength for short amount of time until the climate deflates them or the resistance is so much they die suddenly.
At some point they're going to have to release that extreme demon stuck in their colon almost petrified because of so much animal protein which is them they're holding in a "baby rhinoceros" in their colon. You could eat yourself alive and develop another infinite sacred geometry programming to inflate you and keep yourself inflated until there's nothing left to hold up the platform of inflation and then deflation and bankruptcy..
And in this environment it is extremely painful to exchange out the old programming with the new program and then you still have to be loyal to the standard American diet or else you will disintegrate into nothing and the body will cannibalize itself or just screw yourself to death or somebody else to death and they'll screw you to death and then it's done..
And in this environment people hold so much minerals in their pancreas and kidneys they get kidney stones and it's extremely painful to pass them because they don't have a diverse food supply with meat milk cheese eggs and so the body is over mineralized not enough fat and not enough anything and so they get all these gallstones and kidney stones and everything is painful to pass.
Milk and calcium
In fact, drinking milk and eating dairy can help prevent kidney stones. The calcium in milk binds to oxalate in the body before it reaches the kidneys, which can help prevent stones from forming.
Other calcium-rich foods
Other foods that are high in calcium include yogurt, cheese, fortified milk alternatives, white beans, tahini, almonds, and chia seeds.
Diet and hydration
The best way to reduce the risk of kidney stones is to stay hydrated, eat a healthy diet, and manage medical conditions.
Uric acid stones
To prevent uric acid stones, you can cut down on foods high in purines, such as red meat, organ meats, beer, and shellfish. You can also limit sugar-sweetened foods and drinks, and avoid short-term diets.
Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys. They can be caused by a number of factors, including:
Calcium oxalate stones: The most common type of kidney stone, which forms when oxalate binds to calcium in the urine.
Calcium phosphate stones: These stones combine calcium with phosphate, an electrolyte.
Uric acid stones: These stones form when there's too much acid in the urine, which can happen from eating too many foods high in purines.
You should consult your local health authority for more information.
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