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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

The Ultimate Mother Allows Her Offspring to Account for their Choices

The ultimate mother allows her offspring to account for their choices... Making sure they were set up to strategize their survival and not premeditate retribution against anyone..

The ultimate mother allows you to develop your potential.. She never pigeon holds you into anything.. And she was not desperate herself for your attention.. She set you free..

That's the ultimate mother.. Who doesn't hang on so tight.. Because of her own deficiencies. The ultimate mothers are not feeding of the body, mind and spirit of their offspring like vampires to humans..

the ultimate mothers set their families free once they put in the time and taught you all the lessons YOU needed to survive in a very predatory world of people who will love and hate you and gift you and seduce you to death...

she gave you the gut feelings of those behaviors.. and you will NEVER ever forget those feelings even when someone whispers sweet nothings or shines you on..

she gave you the gift of detection and she set you free to experience them and survive them..

Now look the mothers who are so attached to their daughter.. And sons.. Who can't let go for the life of them.. Now you see why the system is doing what it's doing..

Main takeaway: the ultimate mother is the mother who allows their sons/daughter to save themselves.. not keep saving them from their choices.. a mom who allows you to discover your amazing potential is the ultimate mother.. when she allows you to pull yourself out of addiction, jail and hardship and bad choices, she has taught you well.. she allowed YOU to discover your potential.. you always had the potential, but someone had to allow you to discover it.. when you can put yourself together after being at the lowest point of your life, you can do anything.. i mean anything..

mothers will make or break their kids.. and they are.. watch your facebook now..

The environment will hold you accountable for the current condition you are in today and you hope you will survive the current/future changes, aggressive changes that are are/will be going on. Adults might have a better chance to survive if they start today to condition for the changes, but again, no guarantee of survivability when all the conditions are right..

If you have the optimal conditions that I have, on some level.. you might survive the next wave..... you might.. but again.. you had to have conditioned yourself, at least within the last year to understand were I was going..

crossing my fingers for all of you..

I did not listen to the whole thing.. just his childhood and then up to a specific point..

Very very very eye opening

Charles Manson_The Man Who Never Killed Anyone

Yup Now you see what i was raised with! Sound logic.

I had to fix myself ..

Life will break you.. You will always be exposed to people who will attempt to break you and will break you.. How will you put your own pieces together on your own.. With minimal outside intervention.. That's how you know what you're made of.. When you put yourself together.

the world is a training ground of people attempting to break you and break you.. I was given the world as a training ground.. Battling the demons out there.. And there are so many.. And they would think of me as a demon as well.. Because we're only demons to someone who can't handle our presence.. For whatever reason.. We are only the devil to people who needed the accountability ..

Because we all invite energy that teaches us lessons.. And then we learn from those lessons.. And we make different choices.. And sometimes we don't make different choices.. We resist the accountability.. We hate the accountability.. We demonize accountability.. Sometimes people try to destroy accountability.. I was there.. I'm not there anymore.. But I was there..

The system is done with those trying to destroy accountability.. That's what the new world order wants.. A very different society.. Of people who actually take accountability. And when a person is broken.. They know how to fix themselves.. I did..

It's inevitable all of us we broken by our family and friends and society.. It's a given.. You can't protect your children from everything.. And if you try to.. You will make them so weak.. What was even the point. Trying to protect them.. There was no fucking way.

And if people don't break people, but they will, it's built into the family and relationship.. In other words if you don't see people around you breaking you, because you're so conditioned to be broken, the environment will break you..

How will you put yourself back together when the environment breaks you.. That's going to be the harshest lesson of all..When the environment comes to you.. And breaks you..

How will you put yourself back together again.. That's the ultimate question you need to ask yourself.. And your friends can't save you.. No amount of protection from somebody else can save you.. Even you trying to protect yourself is not going to work.. Do you have what it takes to physiologically and intellectually put yourself back together when the environment breaks you.. If you even survive.


If you think the system is trying to destroy your family.. You've already destroyed your family.. Because you never took accountability for your family.. the system granted your wishes and even made you realize them sooner.. you want painfree.. dont worry. You will sign up for pain free..

Evolution is not pain free.. it is a conditioning process

"Allow others to figure things out for themselves. The fixer ends up becoming the enabler. Let people figure it out for themselves; give them a chance to learn".

"Follow The Light".

Baron William Rothschild

Anti government anti authority was a conditioning of resistance that was destructive.. It was intended to be

Anti establishment was a religion.. Is a religion..

That's a religion that does not give you Discernment..

Because you won't know the games when you are anti government anti authority.. They have your right where they want you.. They know how to stroke your ego.. And since the government can play both sides.. They know right how to mess with you.. And you let them do it.. And you walk right into the Manipulation..

When you are anti government.. You don't realize how played you are.. You have been played

If I was government and I knew you were anti government.. I would play reverse reverse psychology.. Because I know just how you think...

You are that predictable..

You are going to find out.. Just how predictable you really are.

And playing into that anti establishment anti government regardless of which one it is.. They also know how to trigger you to react. In a very specific way.. They know how to pull your strings.. Push your buttons.. You are a puppet when you are anti anything.. You are a puppet to be played with.. And told what to say.. And told what to believe or not believe.. And told what to do or not to do..

You are no different than someone who believes in everything that someone tells them.. Just because you play the opposite doesn't mean you think for yourself.. It just means you're easily manipulated..

That's how children get played.. That's how children get controlled.. Because you don't have enough life experience understand what the heck you're dealing with..

Knowing both sides and understanding both arguments.. You will see the manipulation..

But if you refuse to see both arguments..

You are so easily led. And when you don't understand that that's how they control the parents of children.. And using the parents to destroy their own children.. You never saw it coming.. Because you thought you knew best.. And even if you think the government knows best.. They know how they control you.. Because you couldn't get out of your own way. And maybe you lack experience..lack Education.. And your lack of feeling for the situations that could save your.. How can you feel when you've been cured and treated forever.. That's where they got you...

They controlled the feelings you wanted you to feel.. And they took away the feelings that would save your life.. They wanted you to feel hate.. Love.. Depression.. Happiness.. And they made you very addictive to it.. And they gave you so many things to bring out all of the hate love and happy.. You couldn't stand to be away from it.. That's how they got you..

And you couldn't see anyone else's point of view except for your own.. That is your undoing.. That's all parents undoing.. That's everybody's undoing..

You don't like somebody else's opinion.. Or way of doing things..

That's your choice..

RPM revolutions per minute. Or rotations per minute..

INFRASONIC WEAPON This newer technology is under investigation. It would deliver very low frequency sounds that would be inaudible but could cause pain and disorientation. There is little medical literature on the effects of acoustic weapons on people.

There is nothing to be scared of.. Just understand my book.. My intention to survive this.. And understand the purpose of where we're going.. It's a good thing if you understand what's going on.. It really is.

Robert C. Christian RC Christian The pen name of the man credited with creating the Georgia Guidestones is Robert C. Christian. He paid the Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the stones for some "loyal Americans," but he insisted on remaining anonymous.Jul 5, 2023

Home to the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in western North America. The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum is open: Fridays 10 am - 5 pm Saturdays/Sundays 11 am - 6 pm We look forward to welcoming you!

Blue Hills Elementary School 4.2 Elementary school in Saratoga, California

Blue Hills elementary school took us to the rosicrucian museum when we were in maybe third grade fourth grade. It was never a secret society. They are in san jose california..

Everything is hidden in plane site..plain sight

But you know how people are.. Too distracted.. Too tunnelled.. Disbelieve

Of course things are in code and people are anonymous.. They tell you but don't tell you..

You gotta be smarter than the average person.

Marburg frequency

According to some researchers, Christian Rosenkreuz was the last descendant of the Germelshausen, a German family which flourished in the 13th century.[5] Their castle stood in the Thuringian Forest on the Border of Hesse and they had embraced Albigensian (i.e., Cathar) doctrines, combining Gnostic and Christian beliefs. The whole family was put to death by Konrad von Marburg except for the youngest son, who was only five years old. He was carried away secretly by a monk who was an Albigensian adept from Languedoc. The child was placed in a monastery which had already come under the influence of the Albigenses, where he was educated and made the acquaintance of the four other brothers who were later to be associated with him in the founding of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. His account derives from oral tradition.

That's why orphans are so lucrative... They pushed society forward if trained by the right people..

The coincidences does not escape me..

I knew stuff was not completely normal in my world as far as everybody else.. And I chased after knowledge like it was water and food.. I hung out with very smart people when I was in my twenties and thirties.. Always people older than me.. Yeah I wanted the american dream a big family nice house a bunch of cars.. But that was never my purpose.. It was gathering knowledge and experiences.. And understanding so many different types of people.. Moving from place to place. Experiencing the world..

Then I needed to settle down and gather my thoughts and organize my experiences.. But I had a fight for that position. I had to fight for that type of monastic experience. My life right now is like a monastery.. I purposely made it that way.. Though it's not literally a monastery.. but I am studying the world.. And mostly solitary.. I like the silence of my thoughts.. As well as listening and hearing and reading other ideas.

What else are you gonna do. I'm not into distractions i've done that the last fifty years.

We are entering into a new world.. Many of us need to survive this. Not all of us will.. But some might have a chance.. No different than so many kids who were under aggressive programming in the eighties in silicon valley. Some you know about who've made it in the mainstream media public figures.. Others became lost and fell between the cracks of society..

Not everybody will survive this great reset. But some will

To my conspiracy world.. I'm talking to you... If you're in the conspiracy world, you have a better chance to survive this because you know what's going on.. But just simply exposing the plan is not enough.. People have died exposing the plan because they never took care of themselves.. They put all their energy in exposing everything.. But they never fucking changed a damn thing in their life.. And so if that's how you want to go out.. Then all what you have done was a waste of time.

Yeah everything is intentional and you're right about everything.. So fucking survive it. If you don't want to be altered within a replicating m r n a.. You must learn how to release those demons..

And if you resist sickness and not support it correctly.. Then yeah you wont survive.. Your original blueprint is trying to come to surface. And it's also trying to get rid of the damage in your body.. That's why you're sick. And when you keep recommending cures you hold that damage inside. And you will continue to be sick until you treat yourself out of existence.

I already faced the demons the last seven years..

Which is why I could eat anything in the food supply and still keep to the original blueprint with more intelligence.. I don't have to be anyone's science experiment..

I served my country the last fifty years..

Now it's time for me to become smarter.. And aggressively more adaptable.. I can still keep the physiological blueprint of the body and STILL become increasingly more intellectually aware.

If you choose not to release those demons and starve yourself.. It doesn't matter what you do or did not do.. You hold those alterations within.. And when you have children those children carry those alterations..

It's your responsibility to release alterations to your genome.. And then your children must learn how to take responsibility for their own genome.. Or becomes somebody else's science experiment..

Originally Answered: Why do humans only have two legs, arms, eyes, ect., when more would be more effective, or (in the case of eyes or ears) where more advancements would be more effective? (As in, tetrachromatic vision, .)? Basically because we are the ancestors of bilateral organisms with two legs, arms and eyes. › Why-do-... Why do humans only have two legs, arms, eyes, etc., when more ... - Quora

But almost all the theories suggest that bipedalism is an adaptation to getting around on land. It's clear that early bipeds evolved when savanna grasslands became increasingly common as forests retreated 4-8 million years ago. Walking on two legs made it easier to forage and travel on the ground.Dec 19, 2022

The human genome is the complete set of instructions required to create a human being.May 14, 2015 Accusations force everyone to reconsider their past, present and future behaviours..

This concept forces people to see what they were blind to for years..

It forces EVERYONE to be held accountable for what they thought was normal and ACCEPTABLE..

freedom is the ability to acknowledge the method behind the madness

Conditioning from infrasound.. like a microbial boot camp Delta force

Even if you shut your phone off or put it on airplane mode, the frequency and radiations are still being emitted in your community. You do not live in a bubble or a vacuum.

I will face the frequency. I will feel whatever I must feel that day or days later. I will feed it.

Those of you who are mobile and and enroute to wherever. Be very careful that day.. No telling how these frequencies will affect people driving and flying.. Some people will be affected right away Other people it will take days later.. Or a resurgence in diagnosible conditions. Remember, the environment hits everybody different..

I say good luck

When you play video games yes you get conditioned for the frequency.. And be programmed at the same time.. It was a conditioning.. The 80s

Note. For those who are choosing to activate their immune system by sleeping with their phones and turning on their wifi.. Or sleeping with their wifi on..

Remember how I said you will feel every single violation you done to your body, such as surgeries and even having to push out offspring from all the antibiotics.

While you're in pain.. Because you will be.. And you might have to remedy it on some level.. To get through.. Eventually weaning off.. Also think about your animals. What they had to go through when they were forced to go through all the operations and treatments ..

Think about what they had to go through..

That's why i've been so vocal about I won't ever get An animal again.. Because now I feel their pain.. I felt their pain a long time ago.. I tried to use that pain to save her.. Hoping it would be short lived.. But the damage done to her in the veterinary system was far too great. And again I didn't want to treat her or put her down.. Until I had to.. None of us could handle it. Maybe she could have but I didn't want to. I made a choice.

Some of you might be experiencing that. Maybe some of you will get through it. Maybe you wont.. Maybe you don't have the guts too.

But your animals never asked to be put under like that. They never asked to be here. They never asked to be butchered.

So judgment is coming for all of us.. it came for me the last seven years.. I survived it..

Some of you never asked to get the operations because it was done to you as a child for so many reasons. Some were honourable.. Such as getting your teeth fixed. Others for pure cosmetic reasons.. Or ignorance..

But once you feel. That's a reminder.. Never to fuck up your body again. Never to force your animal to do that operation ever again.

I know some of you have to do that for whatever reason.. Okay..

But that's why I am the way I am.. And why not many people will be able to face what they have done to themselves..

All press is the system's way of giving you warnings. What's to come What is coming..

Everyone becomes useful to the system when the system has given them so much..

They're doing this so you pay attention even more.. They're exposing everyone so that way people pay attention to what is being done.. No matter how much you believe it or disbelieve What russell brand potentially is exposing as well as what he has done in the past and even today..

There's a method to all the madness

Even when they "exposed" me on so many levels.. You now have a choice..

No one took away your choice.. And people can characterize whatever they want.. But you always have a choice..

You always had choices.. But you chose to dis/believe reject.. Or mis/characterize.. What's the downfall of humans..

Lock up experience/accountability lack of respect Denial

And I don't blame you for being in denial.

Sometimes we want to have control when we don't..

It is so hard to admit you have no control over the situation. You had to recondition yourself.. A while ago.. Some people could potentially recondition themselves in the short term. If they survived the frequency changed the aggressive one..

But all in all..

When you're given the chance of survival.. And showing if you don't something will happen..

And you don't choose wisely..

People live and die with their choices.. Even if you shut your phone off or put it on airplane mode, the frequency and radiations are still being emitted in your community. You do not live in a bubble or a vacuum.

I will face the frequency. I will feel whatever I must feel that day or days later. I will feed it.

Those of you who are mobile and and enroute to wherever. Be very careful that day.. No telling how these frequencies will affect people driving and flying.. Some people will be affected right away Other people it will take days later.. Or a resurgence in diagnosible conditions. Remember, the environment hits everybody different..

I say good luck When you play video games yes you get conditioned for the frequency.. And be programmed at the same time.. It was a conditioning.. The 80sAll press is the system's way of giving you warnings. What's to come What is coming..

Everyone becomes useful to the system when the system has given them so much..

They're doing this so you pay attention even more.. They're exposing everyone so that way people pay attention to what is being done.. No matter how much you believe it or disbelieve What russell brand potentially is exposing as well as what he has done in the past and even today..

There's a method to all the madness

Even when they "exposed" me on so many levels.. You now have a choice..

No one took away your choice.. And people can characterize whatever they want.. But you always have a choice..

You always had choices.. But you chose to dis/believe reject.. Or mis/characterize..All press is the system's way of giving you warnings. What's to come What is coming..

Everyone becomes useful to the system when the system has given them so much..

They're doing this so you pay attention even more.. They're exposing everyone so that way people pay attention to what is being done.. No matter how much you believe it or disbelieve What russell brand potentially is exposing as well as what he has done in the past and even today..

There's a method to all the madness

Even when they "exposed" me on so many levels.. You now have a choice..

No one took away your choice.. And people can characterize whatever they want.. But you always have a choice..

You always had choices.. But you chose to dis/believe reject.. Or mis/characterize.. Secret religions dont exist..

The fact you know about it it takes away the secrecy..

When people don't believe.. you tried to tell them.. They blame you for not telling them.. They say you're lying..

You can't tell people anything.. So then they think you're being secret.. Because they don't believe it..

That's how fucked up humanity is right now.. Then they blame you.. That's what i'm saying.. You can't win with people who don't consider all the information..

I know exactly what the system is doing.. They've been telling you for years.. But you cant believe it.. You didn't believe it.. You allowed somebody else to tell you that they were stupid..

That's your own fucking fault.

And when you were on top twenty years.. The poles have flipped..

The people you laughed off was trying to warn you.. People don't stay on top forever.. one must learn how to share the spotlight. What is more humane?

1. Suffering to live with suffering to be less and less. So as long as you support the suffering correctly..

2. Or feel amazing and then just keel over dead died suddenly..

You are at that fork in the road..

Some of you will take my advice and suffer to live and change your life.. So you can survive this great reset.. If you can handle the energy conversion.. Not everybody can..

Others of you will cure yourself out of existence until you die suddenly. And of course, blaming somebody else. In the meantime you're trying to save the world..

You have only but two choices..

Your immune system will hold mercenaries against you.. Or your own personal protection.. And they have investment in you.. Because your life keeps them alive..

If you hold so much of the mercenaries and little enemies against you in your immune system.. The frequencies and the rotations per minute will activate them doing what you have intended for them to do..

You programmed your immune system to work for you or against you.

Now you have to feed yourself if you want to survive.. and you have to build up your immune system to kick out the enemy.. And how do you activate your immune system..

You need to turn on your Wi-Fi sleep next to your phone and allow the pain of release and feed your body and you have a week and a half to figure out if that is worth it to you. Because you might be holding future heart attacks and strokes once you activate your immune system.

Are you prepared.. Most are not..

That's why my world was a conditioning process.. You had to understand the energy emanating from your body your mind and your spirit.

I had seven years of conditioning and I stayed with my information and I evolved my information.. And I got rid of the distractions and the mutiny.. You would think I would be so mad like a ted Kaczynski, but remember, I tried to help humans my peers, ONLY to get attacked so viciously and relentlessly, that part of me had to understand why the system was doing what it was doing..

Now, having endured the last 7 years of bullies and predators and mocking, I have no issue with the system teaching us all a lesson, me included, as I have been intolerant at some points in my life..

Ted K. had it in for academia because he was antagonized by his peers in academia..

but I was antagonized by both my peers, and some academia, but more so by my own peers..

im not mad.. i understand.. and I still am sad for humans.. PEOPLE are where they are.. no amount of strategy will get people to condition that quickly.. wow.

i finally understand..

hindsight was always 20/20

no matter how much strategy I developed for me.. it was not always the appropriate strategy for someone else.. some aspects.. but the person would have had to be open enough to stop what they were doing and consider their own predicament and strategize their way, if they even acknowledged the "predicament" they were in..

only the survivors of each wave will get the benefit of the outcome.. the dead people are dead.. no problem..

but the survivors would have to learn the lessons or they will continue to resist until the next wave takes them out completely..

may the odds be in your favor..

you had the last 3 years to change..

i hope you survive this next change.

i hope the survivors figure it out.. even if they have watch their first born succumb..

that might be, what it will take is someone close to them drop like a fly..

if one must learn the hard way..

so be it..

As i am listening to sirens out there in the distance.. look at your games girls and boys.. why do you think all the Hollywood stars. singers, even me have been so emotional for humanity.. we know and feel the future.. full of pain..

the only real strategy was early detection, and then a reconditioning.. you had to be aggressive.. not wishy washy..

i am so sad for humans right now.. so sad..i tried.. i really did..

you are up against infrasound.. you had to condition for it..

may the 4th be with you... hugs.

once you realize there is really no strategy for anyone who has not conditioned themselves for change and ignored warnings or half assed the info... it will be sad. and devastating..

PEOPLE are where they are.. no amount of strategy will get people to condition that quickly.. wow.

i finally understand..

hindsight was always 20/20

no matter how much strategy I developed for me.. it was not always the appropriate strategy for someone else.. some aspects.. but the person would have had to be open enough to stop what they were doing and consider their own predicament and strategize their way, if they even acknowledged the "predicament" they were in..

only the survivors of each wave will get the benefit of the outcome.. the dead people are dead.. no problem.. but the survivors would have to learn the lessons or they will continue to resist until the next wave takes them out completely..

may the odds be in your favor..

you had the last 3 years to change..

i hope you survive this next change.

i hope the survivors figure it out.. even if they have watch their first born succumb..

that might be, what it will take is someone close to them drop like a fly..

if one must learn the hard way..

so be it..

As i am listening to sirens out there in the distance.. look at your games girls and boys.. why do you think all the Hollywood stars. singers, even me have been so emotional for humanity.. we know and feel the future.. full of pain.. the only real strategy was early detection, and then a reconditioning.. you had to be aggressive.. not wishy washy..

i am so sad for humans right now.. so sad..i tried.. i really did..

you are up against infrasound.. you had to condition for it..

may the 4th be with you... hugs.

once you realize there is really no strategy for anyone who has not conditioned themselves for change and ignored warnings or half assed the info... it will be sad. and devastating..

I can finally relax now.. I will take tomorrow off.

Most of you will not be conditioned for the new environment.. Some of you will take my information because you survived the frequency shift to 6g.. And then it's using 6g to condition yourself for 7g

If you keep following all those herbalists diet exercise gurus and remedy people and fear campaign selling you protection from radiation..

It will only be a matter of time before 6 g 7 g 8 g Destroy those who FAIL TO CONDITION.. I fucking told you.

Who you follow and what you fear will determine your path.. Or lack there of..

Now we get to watch what happens when people resist information..

That fucking sucks

That's WHY I sleep with my phone.. I am not afraid of cell towers.. And if you are, those are indicators you have deficiencies and not conditioned.

Your fear of everything is what made you weak.. Who you follow out there trying to sell you every fucking remedy in the world made you fucking weak. Those selling you protective gear against radiation made you fucking weak. When you follow weak people you become weak.

Now look at your groups.. And all the weak fucking activists out there.. And they are dropping like flies. While selling you absolution..

I've been conditioning myself for the environment.. And I eat food and I face pain.. And there is no one out there I can save.. If I had kids I wouldn't be able to save them.. They had to be conditioned for the new world.. And you have no idea the condition they hold inside.. Except for what you can't handle..

And I feel the energy right now.. My heart is beating faster today.. And i just had some steak and potato.

Have a good saturday.. Sleep with your phone.. Turn on your fucking wifi.. Feel the pain. accelerated growth from accelerated infrasound

fat= submission (expand) (too much fat/clots/broken blood vessels from energetic frequency) muscle/bone = resistance (contract) (too much resistance, breakage and ruptured blood vessels/clots)

one cannot more than the other.. or else bleeding/hemorrhaging or died suddenly/breakage

infrasound Conditioning Must Be Done Well in Advance

None of you are prepared for infrasound from climate change..

That was the culprit all along.. It is an inaudible sound that will activate your immune system Vaccinated or not..

You have been led astray when you don't want to face the pain.. While starving yourself simultaneously.

So all your remedies will become activated. And those monsters are going to torture you and not everyone's going to survive.. Because you didn't understand my information and release those demons.. You kept developing new ones..

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