What is 1,000% sobriety?
This is the proposed blueprint of 1,000 percent sobriety
Level 0: Addict
Level 1: Light OTC, light herbal remedies, light prescriptions drugs, occasional or recreational alchohol cannabis use.
Level 2: Light herbal remedies illicit or otherwise
Level 3: 1000% sobriety
No meds
No cannabis or alcohol
No herbal meds
No recreational uppers or downers
No using food as meds
No therapies
No doctors
No nurses or health lay people or professionals, unless UNCONSCIOUS
Suffering to live
And you will find when you finally get to Level 3, your lifestyle will change. That I can guarantee you. You'll realize where I'm coming from and why I have been the way I've been the last 2 years.
This is not a judgment against anyone.
This is levels of consciousness and sobriety.
I sympathize with anyone who is fighting addiction and who has weaned themself off of one addiction to a much more manageable and socially acceptable one.
But that doesn't have to be the end, there could be so much more work to go if you can handle it..
Because even if you get to Level 3 you still have to deal with your peers and your society and you have to be able to deal with their microbes as well as the environment.
It's not like you're going to enter into paradise, but now you'll know how to deal with hell and survive it.
All of us have been under some kind of trauma to warrant us to want families/pets and to be under the influence.
Now, it's up to you to release that trauma and rebuild
And this is not for children at all whatsoever.
This is for everyone over 18 of sound mind and body.
And please consult a health professional if you have any issues with any of this information. They might advise you not to do what I am proposing here but this is just the start of a conversation.
This is the start of a national conversation more than just being sober from drugs and alcohol warranting Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.
This is more than just going to a detox center or the Betty Ford Clinic.
This is more than just buying Elderberry syrup and occasionally seeing a therapist.
This is more than just taking a vaccine or using sex and relationships as a cover for your addictions and hormonal manipulations.
This is so much more than you'll ever ever know because how can you know it when you've been under the influence in body mind or spirit.
This is a whole lot more.
And to get to this point takes layers and layers of change weaning oneself back on the food supply and facing the Demons of pain and suffering and literal demons that will come out in your dreams. Some of them are terrifying.
And the angels in your world are not who you expect or what you expect.
The Angels are not necessarily your grandfather.. They are not necessarily your grandmother who passed away 5 months ago.
They could be your most beloved pet that you had so much love for and they knew it deep down but they couldn't survive you or the world and no matter how much you tried to save them they weren't meant for this world and so you finally had to let them go.
So they will find you in your dreams and warn you of danger coming down the pipeline and the warnings come out in your dreams of a sober-minded person.
Those are the Angels. You develop the angels in your world and you also develop the demons in your world.
But you have to be a thousand percent sober to realize who they are and what they are..
And this is not me being so arrogant to think that I can wake you up such as some people propose.
This is more than just being happy and satisfied.
This goes beyond even those in the activism world justifying their addictions.
This goes beyond even those who think they can teach you how to be clean and sober.
They don't know what kind of health issues you deal with and they don't know what kind of trauma you've been with and they don't know immunologically what you're dealing with.
Every organism who chooses to change must see where the change exists and determine if that change and the intelligence of that change is appropriate for them.
There's no way to have any kind of change in the world if there isn't a model or representation of it even if you don't believe it exists but the words and the model and the formula has been developed.
There's always a blueprint because you can look at an organism and you'll never know how they came to be until you see the written words and numbers in a blueprint appropriate for that model.
That's what I was looking for in the independent movement and that's why I left the independent movement because there was no model except the word consensus and social therapy and that's it.
What are you consenting to?
And that's why it will always be Democrat or Republican or neither or all of the above.
Independent is a state of mind and it's not something you can teach. It is something you develop and independent doesn't happen overnight or even in five or six years.
Independent is all relative to what your independent from ..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Here's the blueprint and here's the model and you figure out what you can do. But I can never ever assume you can do it I can do.