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Ticking Time Bombs, Uncovering Bouncing Betty Landmines

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

The last 5 years, the climate change triggered so many of my own immunological time bombs and bouncing betty landmines that to survive this animal pox I picked up down South and suffering through for 2 whole months ever since the end of Sept up until now, is a testament to my own strength and resolve to suffer and live and then how amazing my protocol was in the beginning and then embracing the evolution of it.

I could not tell you if the viruses down south after Hurricane Helene were influential by themselves or was the strength of them relative to what they "hit", makmde them more influential and deadly.

So when some dude says he wants to "hit it" you can die from getting hit by somebody or a virus..

When viruses circulating in the population fornicate with your microbes that union could be extremely deadly.

As we have seen, those who go into these devastation zones helping victims dig and rebuild are becoming afflicted with viral infections causing death and illness and so if your immune system holds onto bouncing betties and immunological time bombs, it will be a matter of time before "love" finally finds you..

I am on the tail end of what was a 2 month affliction with some kind of animal pox and extreme pain in my arms, back, wrist, shoulders, and neck and I remember distinctly the last 3 years of my arm/shoulder having tinges of pain from certain movements. Hurricane Helen woke up the beast in that part of immune system and I had to sit with the pain radiating everywhere below my neck and above my waste.. hives. arm pain, fatigue, hunger, insomnia, heart palpitations, etc. Thank god for the meat, milk, cheese, eggs, sugar, salt, fruits, veggies, bread, etc etc etc..

Yesterday, my nose was running and dryness/blood was apparent as the body was processing what seems to be last little bit of infection finally making its way out of my upper orifices..I kept sneezing and blowing my nose and it would relieve the arm pressure as pooping this last 2 months also relieved the arm pressure/pain.

So, whatever is incubating in the population, it will be a doozy.. because if I faced this virus head on with NO meds or cures or vaccines.. holy shit.. the next wave is coming..

And if my husband was scared from his exposure causing extreme back pain of which he already had to begin with but whatever exposure made it worse and he was down for a week even going to a chiropractor you can only imagine what's coming down the pipeline. Both him and I are huge indicators and canaries in the coal mine. Which means you better figure out how you're going to protect yourself and take in these diseases very slowly and wake up your immune system very slowly because it's just a matter of time.

Love will finally find you and this kind of love is deadly..

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