Why would the vaccines potentially protect you and maybe the other person even though people don't see it that way as far as protection and I completely understand?
Immunity is fertility and it is upgrading everybody's immune system to a new Evolution. People resist evolution but they're so willing to have a baby which is a type of evolution but it destroys the parents and that baby is learning the same thing that parents learned unless the system redirects. And when the parents can't keep themselves alive Because they die,the baby learns the same thing And these children are born extremely deficient because they can't handle air food and water
the three generation rule
No matter what fertility can be deadly on someone who doesn't understand how to support it and feed it and matures it properly and that includes children but also the parent. Parents don't even know how to take care of themselves much less really understand what it means to keep a baby alive almost indefinitely. That's why the system is stepping in.
Food was always the answer in response to any symptoms and the vaccines.
What is herd immunity. When I get around people who are spitting out their therapies and their own DNA which is basically the same thing and I catch it and I evolve.. And I support the evolution correctly. And sometimes I had my own colonies within that were bursting open
That's why I told one person a few years ago to sit in a public place and breathe in everybody's ectoplasm and then go home and release demons and eat food and I told them don't wear a mask because you want the evolution..
I told the person ,you know how to properly release demons and face symptoms The right way allegedly, I assumed.
I don't think they did it but I understood the reason behind everything.
So the system never told you sickness was the answer but food was the ultimate answer. They were right they just didn't tell you the bigger picture and is that lying by omission? Absolutely it is but what are you going to do you can't force people to eat or feel pain.
Vaccine protection is upgrading your immune system if you can handle Immune system activation and cancer is your new future but people destroy their cancer or their future And even their own children. If you can't handle pain and suffering and disease people will have their immune systematically destroyed or under the influence.
Ain't that some f****** s*** oh my God.
And so those around you who believe in the system and we thank you for your service you gave me the upgrades and the immunity I was needing and that is true herd community whatever it is I felt the last 3 years was true herd immunity.
And those who've taken the vaccines if you don't support releasing your own demons and taking on the nanotechnology offered by the government that will keep you alive you have the choice to remedy your disease away and only have one life and hopefully it's a good life.
But right now you're seeing the future is coming fast if not, it is here and people are dying suddenly from turbo cancers and other diagnosis so hopefully you don't figure this s*** out too late.
Would I take the vaccine? No because I go into enough public places I get herd immunity and I release demons which is the old me and eat so much food like I did last night.
I could not get enough food in because my left side is now going through a repair and retention. My armpit has a little bit of a rash. It was cold this week it's going to be hot this coming weekend and next week and climate change does cause aggressive immune system activation.
It's not enough to take a vaccine or not take a vaccine because milk and meat and cheese and eggs and feeling symptoms and staying home was the answer to survival if you were at the verge of realizing your next lifeline..
So I don't blame the system for not explaining this to you because remember they kept remedying the way your disease and giving you oncology. Cancer is your new Evolution and those who have been diagnosed with cancer have a choice because the new them is wanting to emerge and if you keep resisting Evolution you'll destroy yourself.
Everyone who's fighting cancer is at a crossroads you either succumb to the situation and eat so much food and stay home and retire and stay safe or try to keep resisting with more oncology more remedies until you completely destroy yourself..
And it's no picnic tapping into your next lifeline because that transition is f****** brutal..
And I'm drinking so much milk and bread and pork right now more than I have even when I was drinking and eating ice cream sandwiches every day a couple years ago
With my last reasoning I already lost one friend. People will be dropping like flies with information like this literally and figuratively.
That universal alignment and synchronicity..
Many humans cannot handle Evolution information and they have absolutely no intention to redirect their thought process or belief system. And that's why we're in a great reset.
Remember how I said when I was a kid I wished I had all the knowledge of a 40-year-old but I am in first grade?
The Georgia Guidestones projects that we will maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature.
We'll go back to the population of the 1600s in the year 2050 or even 2100 knowledge. I don't imagine we'll scale down that quickly to 500 million people the next 10 years it might take another 20 or 30 or 40 years to get us to the Georgia Guidestones.
But you see the first vaccine was 1796 and you saw the population jump and then of course 1950 because the Boomers jumped everybody up and of course that was from the flu vaccine in 1945.
So yeah we will be in Trump's America and it's going to be brutal.
He will win. I would be surprised if he doesn't.
The right wing already hates the vaccines so much and into the holistic remedies, of course
the left and the right legs luv cannabis and the Patriots are in control and the girls are going to be getting pregnant and having babies and some of the boys will not be able to handle it and we will see infanticide all over the place.
This is going to be interesting
I could be wrong
but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump does get into office.
If you can survive the next 5 years here in America by God you are amazing.
And believe it or not the abortions actually saved the woman from being torn up inside as well as a lifetime of heartache connected to someone she had absolutely no business being connected to.
But if I'm to assess the future correctly the system is done protecting the women and the family from suffering and so the fear of vaccines will keep going.
Most everyone's going to be taking oncology cannabis and so many remedies and it won't be regulated really I'm sure Facebook is done doing that. And we're going to see a lot of girls get pregnant and a lot of boys have a hard time and we're going to see a lot of infanticide and murder suicide because of the stress.
I don't imagine things are going to get any easier .. and the system might actually make it so easy for people to destroy themselves by giving them almost everything they could possibly want and the environment is not going to change as far as climate change. This is going to be interesting
From boom to bust
From Boom to Bust
And here's the kicker I never thought I'd ever say..
Let's just say for s**** and giggles my husband decides to stay home and we scale down bills and everything else. He would have to get the vaccine to cause immune system activation. He's already pretty much cured. He already drinks milk. How much well I don't know how much you would need to cause immune system activation and drinking a bunch of Jay juice could potentially get things moving but you can get cured pretty quickly too and get constipated
It's the vaccine that would kick off his potential to gain another hayflick limit if he supported those symptoms with all food.
I've already activated my immune system 8 years ago and then the climate change without treating my disease kept my immune system activated and then eating all the food even the ones I didn't like kept activating my immune system.
Being around different people caused another activation. And I would eat and sleep and rest and release the demons.
Someone like my husband would need the vaccine to kick off another lifeline.
That's f****** insane.
Or at some point the environment will bring everything down to the bare chakras and expose them and he would have to figure out how to deal with that.
I don't want him to get to that point but it's up to him. But if he were to quit his job today he would have to activate his immune system aggressively to wake up the demons and he would have to face them..
So climate change back in 2019 woke up the demons in people who were already fighting disease and immunologically deficient or on the verge.
Some people didn't survive it, other people saw an increase in cancer disease and died suddenly and then the vaccine was rolled out.
That's when people had something to blame when they couldn't understand the acceleration in the died suddenly or the turbo cancers..
And all the remedies were the dangerous things. All the holistic people selling you their multi-level marketing detoxes and concoctions were the actual dangerous products and then also making you afraid of food was another campaign.
That was f****** genius of the system.
I think the campaign of the scale down was to make you think the vaccines were dangerous when they actually were the birth and the Boom.
And protection was to accelerate maturation in people who were already on the verge and then develop stronger children who can handle everything going on. Because what is protection really and who was it protecting?
Getting any therapy doesn't necessarily protect you in the sense that you think, it protects the people around you.
But not you.
You have to protect yourself
The Baby Boomers were the proof and the confirmation.
The first vaccine was 1796 this was the Boom.
In May 1796, English physician Edward Jenner created the world's first successful vaccine by inoculating an 8-year-old boy with matter from a milkmaid's cowpox sore. Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had cowpox were immune to smallpox, and he guessed that exposure to cowpox could protect against smallpox. Jenner's discovery used a less dangerous viral source than variolation, and his process protected millions of people from smallpox, saving many lives. Jenner's discovery also led to the term "vaccine", which comes from vaccinia, the name of the pathogen that causes cowpox.
AI generated.
This was the bust
Then there was the 1918 pandemic and of course World War I so you had the the bust.
Then the boom was the vaccines in 1945,
With support from the US Army, the first inactivated flu vaccine was developed by Thomas Francis and Jonas Salk at the University of Michigan. The vaccine was tested for safety and efficacy on the US military, before being licensed for wider use in 1945.
That was the Baby Boomers
and then Generation X was the Baby Busters..
From rise of the holistic remedy and antibiotics and of course modern sin of medicine and everyone is afraid of the vaccine. Not everyone but people are getting them and people are still dying or contracting fast moving cancers or aging aggressively. People are blaming the vaccines but they don't realize we're in climate change and on top of that all the holistic remedies and surgeries and all the families as people are developing children on bodies in deficit who can't handle the air food and water
And now you have the bust... And it is the perfect storm
And very well thought out
And when you release all that mucus by eating food and building that pressure yeah you would lose the ADHD diagnosis and the Ms and everything else but it would be pain and suffering
Anytime you release those demons of diagnosis is a journey and a path and it's unpredictable and you would need a lot of food to give the body something to release and to regain.
My current picture today. I'm not hot and sexual. And I'm not manly. I'm exactly where I need to be.
And please look at my roots. They're still black.
And I'm still a woman and I'm still hetero. And I've proved my worth to my husband.
I'm not overly emotional and I can learn pretty quickly and I'm relatively self-sufficient.
And I am 100% clean and sober
If he wants to downsize he could. Because I can pick up the slack. If he wants to quit his job to get his life back he would have to downsize and I could make the bills and feed him.
Yes, he has that option but he has to make the choice. That's exactly where I want to be.
I want to give my husband the option to regain lifelines he lost if he can handle it.
I want to give him that choice. To me that's what being married means. You give your partner the choice to save themselves if you can negotiate the bills, division of labor and explain the science behind what you're doing.
That was my strategy the last 3 years and I couldn't explain it and people were misunderstanding and mischaracterizing what I was doing which pissed me the hell off.
So I left Society.. and now I only hang out with my husband and occasionally the people he hangs out with. But there is no one sticking their nose in our business anymore making f****** comments
That's why we chose this house because it wasn't so expensive and he had room to even take days off if he needed to.
And when I was thinking about working I'm like what am I working for?
Where is this money going to go?
What kind of debt would we go into when you have a two-person income?
That's how you drown yourself.
The strategy to surviving climate change is knowing you can survive on one person's income and you can also change out your expensive items and downsize and still can do certain things.
And then you would have to stay home if you choose to regain lifelines and feel the pain and suffering and work for yourself to survive.
Because that would be your job, staying home to survive climate change and release those demons and go through the hell and if need be get a doctor to help you while the person is working feeding them giving them that access to those lifelines.
Because your job is to stay alive and be the partner to that person and be well for that person or both work part-time in the future if they regain lifelines and can come back from that death and destruction.
And that would be amazing f****** future for two people
That's what my strategy is and was because I know when you have a two person income household how are you going to downsize without having to move because that mortgage with two people working would be astronomical.
Especially when people get all sensitive around zip codes and they have to be in the good area and they can't handle living around people who are not as wealthy or as capable.
I'm not trying to kill myself keeping up with people and the American dream is somebody surviving climate change and economical changes not killing yourself to put off an image.
Success isn't just material wealth.
Success is also surviving your own disease and enjoying the things you have without wondering if you're going to die tomorrow because you've killed yourself at your job or you sacrificed yourself to your friends and family.
What I'm doing just showing you the strategy of marriage in the J World.
How do you survive your marriage? How will you give her partner the option to survive? What is your strategy?
And you don't have to be a billionaire to regain lifelines. Money cannot buy you happiness or life and it doesn't make things easier. You just think you can buy the easy way out of pain and suffering.
Sadly people who are dying suddenly thought the same thing they can buy their way out of pain and suffering and their survivors are realizing you can't buy your way out of pain and suffering unless you're willing to die suddenly or rest in peace..
So I'm not going into debt with the Devil trying to buy pleasure and Paradise.
So I released the demons
and when a person revisits trauma.. they must revisit drug addiction symptoms and even the pain from operations, and fights and bone breakage, etc etc etc..
Main takeaway:
This is The Next Chapter:
It has taken me about 3 years to wean myself back onto the food supply and it had to happen in stages. First, I had to release so much mucus and disease and even traumatic thoughts and beliefs and that was no picnic. Like I said in the book, it was a process of understanding my childhood, my parents and then understanding why I had to learn such hard lessons. Once I was able to release many demons of disease and pain and suffering, then it was weaning myself back onto the food supply and that was NO easy venture. Then it was facing my mistakes, organizing my information and then developing many different ways to say the same thing connecting all of my thoughts together into a logical sequence.
After I published this book in 12/2022 I started drinking and eating so much milk, cream, ice cream and cheese and meats and pork and steak and wow. It was eating to repair and regenerate and sit with so many colonies of disease just popping up and manifesting into fatigue, hives, headaches, so much poop, coughing, sneezing, and rashes and saying goodbye to the past and welcoming in the present.
Welcome to Life and Milk is Life and Jilly Juice, LLC might give you the clarity to understand how important all food is, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits vegetable, sugar, salt, gluten, carbohydrates and rest, release, retention, and water. Always see a doctor when you are weaning off of drugs and addictions and weaning yourself back onto the food supply.​
WHEN you think it about it, the current book I have out today is all about me releasing the demons to make room for the food to give me nutritional absorption. I could NOT gain access to the nutrition unless I released the demons of disease.. and that was the last 3 years since the pandemic.
today, i have weaned myself back onto the food supply.
my focus on milk and eating and releasing is this next chapter
everything happens in stages..
everything starts and ends in your gut.. if you only could handle releasing your own demons of disease.
if only you understood how important eating all the food in the food supply is..
nothing is poison..
everything starts and ends in your gut.. if you only could handle releasing your own demons of disease.
if only you understood how important eating all the food in the food supply is..
nothing is poison..
WHEN you think it about it, the current book I have out today is all about me releasing the demons to make room for the food to give me nutritional absorption. I could NOT gain access to the nutrition unless I released the demons of disease.. and that was the last 3 years since the pandemic.
today, i have weaned myself back onto the food supply.
my focus on milk and eating and releasing is this next chapter
everything happens in stages..
sometimes, larger women need to drink milk to release her excessive weight, not go gluten free..
I remember thinking a long time ago when I was in first grade I wished I had all the knowledge of a 40-year-old in first grade.
My world if you can handle it you'll have all the knowledge of somebody of the future the past and the present and you wouldn't be in first grade but you could be telomerically a younger person more evolved with so much knowledge.
What I was wishing for in my childhood was something I had to develop biologically but I needed at least 50 years of life experience to prove biologically you could be younger biologically and then intellectually be so much smarter than yourself and the world around you..
And that is possible.
But, you have to survive learning the hard lessons. And who you surround yourself will be the difference.
And if you have to be the smartest person in the room you won't learn jack s***
That's why it'll be very difficult for children to learn my info because they have yet to make the mistakes to learn
Discerning adults could have a chance with my information if they got out of their own way.
Hanging out with people older than me in my twenties and dating people older than me in my thirties and even forties made a huge difference. And then I'm married my equal..
And I follow extremely f****** smart people on Facebook
even people who think opposite me
I follow many government officials and intellectuals and entrepreneurs...
And I have no aversion to learning something and reading something completely different than what I've ever read before for and I don't resist information new to me. And I dissect everything
Pump and dump is all over politics religion science sexual orientation and huge families and activism
Using your religion your politics and science and your family and friends to hide behind to justify your bad behavior is why the system is trying to eventually come into a new world order.
At some point justifying bad behaviors through your religion and politics and science just shows how deadly religion can be regardless of the type of religion.
If you personally cannot take responsibility of why you hunted somebody or why you're blaming someone then you will always have politics religion science and your family and friends to hide behind and that's why the system is scaling everybody down.
Too many people hide behind religion.
Your crosses and commitment to Jesus and anyone else wont make a difference if you can't take personal responsibility.
And that includes the Hebrews and Muslims and anyone else who uses their religion to justify extremely bad behavior.
I've had eight years of dealing with extremely religious people attacking the s*** out of me and hunting me.
And what's the common denominator with all these people hunting me and attacking me?
Their religion.
Because when you have a religion you will not take personal responsibility.
You will say God or Jesus made you do it or the devil made you do it. Or it was God's will . That one right there is used the most all over Facebook.
It was God's will. Yeah okay..
Or your mother taught you this or somebody on Facebook told you this which means you idolize people places and things.
You worship idols..
What happened to the segment of Jews who worshiped Idols way back in the Bible? When Moses saw the people worshipping the golden calf what did he allegedly do?
He melted the golden calf into molten gold and poured it down the throats of the idol worshipers and that was the lesson..
And Wall Street was and is the representation of people worshiping idols called money and social capital.
Pump and dump.
Religious trolls who hunt me pump up their ego and dump all over me.
Just go look at all of my old business pages and old Facebook accounts and you will see a lot of religious trolls pump and dump. Worshiping idols
The Ouroboros of a snake eating his tail is friends and family consuming each other because they were taught to be a good person and to be loyal and to die for whomever you're working for even if it's your kids or your mom and dad or your husband and wife. And you can see who is consuming who by the weight distribution in any relationship.
And in any large organization or friend base the weakest person is consumed first because they died first. For them to belong to any organization they have to give something and some of them can't afford to give what they're giving. And so they're consumed
That's Darwinism. That's social Darwinism and family Darwinism and politics religion and science Darwinism
So the mother and the father will work themselves to death and the child will try to keep up and live up to expectations that they have no capacity to live up to.
How do I know this? Because the parents are starving treating their disease or developing avoidance against pain and suffering living under illusions