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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Vaccines, Reincarnation, and Symptoms

Noah's Ark, the Flood and Baptismals and the Waterfalls of the JJuice purification..

water has always cleansed the world if it is allowed to (d)rain..

Vaccines, Reincarnation, and Symptoms

You ever wonder why so many doppelgangers in the population. Ever since the Vaccine boom in the 1800s and then great world wars, all babies are recycled DNA of the past in different conglomerations.

Civilizations that rose and fell were homogenized and inbred themselves out of existence or could not withstand another genome taking over, or another culture.

To save the human race, a team of scientist and theologians put their heads together and developed scientific ways to pit one microbe against another manifesting into a human coupled with culture, lifestyle, belief system, politics, religion and science to see which one would rise to the top and which one would not.

Of course, humans have more "demons" of aggression aka the 4 humors, and plant/animal based microbes hybridizing itself to the human DNA and so the immune system is supposed to filter out the non human dna or aggressive hormonal expression.

As we know, many humans have either too weak or too strong immune system thus adding to the dna pool of innovation, but the human will not ultimately survive.

Maybe they were not meant to.

Maybe they were only meant to be the percentage of the human future once the system captured their dna and evolved it using gain of function, etc.

Maybe those who are strong enough to understand history, and adapt to the present/history preparing for the future could be the strongest human ever and those who are born temporarily might have temporary gifts, spells and curses and also a breeder could be paid very well but also allowed to leave as humanely as possible.

and here is the thing.. you get the choice, if you have the capacity to understand the power of pain, suffering and eating all food and changing the way you do stuff..

however, not many have the capacity and so they are relegated to temporary pleasures, paradise and distractions and are given almost everything within reason and then humanely go as peacefully as possible with no suffering..

which is why the Dalai lama is based upon a potential reincarnated soul... i do not know what factors contribute to the choice of a child who might have been a past soul of a prior Dalai lama.

And so yeah the vaccines hold the past the present and the future and if you can't handle the vaccines you can't handle the past present or future which is why people are so stuck in their dogmatic principles and they can't evolve because their immune system is not equipped for evolution.

Someone like me has flitted from family to family and group to group and culture to culture and state to state so I've picked up so much information through my whole world and so I've been highly immunized with so many microbes and now I'm releasing demons and now what's left is the past the present and the future of survivability

and then I purposely read history because I'm interested in it because that is the past and I'm part of the past and I'm also in tune with the present and I listened to indicators and I'm preparing for the future.

Listening to indicators.. why do you think I overreact about stuff. I know those who are completely out of touch will succumb to the weather and change

And I didn't come from a very strong background. I came from the Vietnam War and during a time that even America was under so much upheaval and stress. Stress can make you or break you and if you have it within you it can make you but if you don't have it within you it'll break you.

Your whole life is a test to see if the future is for you

or if the past and a present will break you because the future will certainly break you.

The future is breaking a lot of people and you can see it in their posts and you can see their lack of tolerance to anything that's different than what they know because they're locked into homogenized culture that is not survivable and maybe innately they know it deep down inside which is why they're resisting every kind of change that's going on looking for a hero and hunting for a Satan.

Which is also why people remedy away their symptoms because that's the past and the present and the future calling and they can't handle any of it and so they dig out the future and they live in the past and they die in the past.

Most people are looking for a hero and hunting for Satan. Pretty much very black and white with nothing in between.

And that's why you get people worshiping Harris or Trump because they're looking for a hero and hunting for a Satan. Or they fancy themselves outside of those two systems and want to be the new hero and to be somebody else's Satan.

Those are the activists influencers who don't understand the bigger picture and don't even realize the gifts that were given to them and so they throw themselves into the past defending things that could never even defend themselves.

If humans don't have the capacity to defend themselves or protect themselves what makes you think you're better than them? What makes you think you can protect someone who can't even protect himself?

That's patronizing somebody else making them inferior and you Superior like you're going to save them because you're so Superior.

That's slavery when you have made yourself somebody's hero thinking that you have the power over somebody else..

And that model has been done over and over and over again the last 50,000 years.

Every activist who wants to save somebody else was also a colonizer. They're going to save you even if it's your death. And that's why you get certain people that say when people die they are saved by Jesus and then hope they get resurrected in another life

but how do you even guarantee that.

I don't know I guess you have faith.. I guess you must have faith to believe in something that's intangible like a future life that isn't living right now

And so the family was a system breaking apart your genome to see what part of it could be a part of the future even if you guys don't survive it doesn't even matter.

You have to be the one to want to survive or you keep diluting and breaking apart your own genome until there's nothing left and you voluntarily did it justifying it through politics religion and science

Reincarnation. When you're lucky enough to start over again in a human body. And you can end up learning some very hard lessons. I had a lot of dreams of being in China. Not just because I went to China. That could potentially be it. But maybe since I am Vietnamese and we had Chinese Invasion many times plus French invasion who's to say what kind of microbes of memories I hold within coming out in the dreams and the antibodies the last 3 years

Reincarnation is a religious or philosophical concept that a living being's non-physical essence begins a new life in a different physical body after death. It's also known as rebirth or transmigration.

You're only going to have so many opportunities to reincarnate into the next person to start over again because we're going down from potential 11 billion to 500 million which means you better get it right to be one of the 500 million that isn't always been reborn every government generation. Because the government will develop generations of people in the future especially when we're down to 500 million.

Right now people are allowed to procreate until the climate changes. But in the future it'll be called government generation Alpha. Government generation beta government generation gamma but it'll be spaced apart long enough that you won't be going through the Greek alphabet too fast. There could be 50 Generations in between Alpha Beta gamma Etc. What do you mean Generations. Because you can have Gene Evolution without developing a baby

I'm just making stuff up as far as Government generation because I don't know what the future is as far as how they're going to name these Generations when it's government generated versus population generated.

But yeah reincarnation potentially is real because your soul does leave your body but if it's just sitting in the waiting room of the universe trying to find a new baby to inhabit or if you're cursed you can come back as a horse fly. I mean I don't know if that's all that's true but everything is energy. The more intelligent energy you are the better chance you might get into another body and start over again but how many times will the system let you do that before they start limiting the chances of souls to start over again or potentially resurrect like Jesus because maybe that's what the resurrection of Jesus means is the reincarnation of the souls who are allowed to start over again.

Could you raise children and give them past lives through so many different means like vaccines until the old world and the new world merge together becoming the new world

Too many coincidences are in the show and what's even more weird is to see the word Canton which is not a usual word you would find in a show like a series that was filmed back in 2004. I swear I think I'm living in an alternate reality .. and living in Hawaii the same time the show first filmed or aired. That's what's crazy

And I did live in Washington for a minute and I did see Mount Rainier in the distance.

Canton Rainier — The name of a carpet cleaning company, imprinted on the side of a van Ben uses to transport the body of John Locke. The name is an anagram for “reincarnation.”

He's talking about cheating and I'm talking about climate change. Two sides of the same coin. When your world changes and you're not completely prepared for it but then you sense something is different in the air it's like your world is crumbling. Climate change is like a cheating husband or wife. You sense it but you're not prepared for the reality. But I am but many are not.

Climate change is devastating. And climate change, regardless if it's synthetic or organic is something you have to survive regardless of what you think it came from and why.

Phil Collins knows

In the Air Tonight

Song by Phil Collins

In my world I face the trauma and catastrophe before it happens so when it happens I can handle it and I have as much preparation as I can and I have separated myself from material and human connection because right now humans are going to be very disconnected when tragedy strikes and then also connected for survival.

Because you won't know who will survive with you. It could be a stranger, not someone you know.

And you might be the only one that will think with a clear head when tragedy does strike.

You'll know what to do. Where to go and it won't be so traumatizing and shocking. As if you lived this situation before.

And it's good in my world to replay catastrophic situations over and over and over again in my head to get myself conditioned for it so that way when it does happen I'll be on automatic pilot with my adrenaline and familiar feelings replaying the scenario as if I was practicing for a drill over and over and over again. Repetition makes the genius. It also makes the Survivor

EVERYONE has traumatic memories too and it's not a bad thing. None of us came into this world peacefully. Some of us are hiding behind so much stuff. This is not a bad thing. Trauma is necessary for survival so you remember not to make the same mistakes again.

The to my posts is almost patronizing as if you're trying to feel sorry for something that you have no reason to feel sorry for. You never came into this world peacefully. Nobody did. Some people don't want to reveal their trauma because they want to come off as perfect. Nobody came into this world perfect and peaceful.

The ones who reveal all the different traumas from friends and family and strangers and jobs and sons and daughters and mothers and fathers and uncles and aunts they're the f****** brave ones. Too many people are hiding behind drugs alcohol herbs and denial and so to any post out there when someone is trying to show you correlation to some of these movies and the general population is like kicking them in the stomach with your stupid sad faces

There's nothing sad !! I'm not sad and if you're sad go put it on your Facebook. I revealed and released a lot of pain and suffering that most people are dying from and then putting on a happy face basically lying to the world.

So if anything you should be sad for yourself not for me

we are in a major lesson right now.

Some of us will give people the opportunity to be okay with remembering things without having to put it out there.

But don't f*** with the people who put it out there and make it like oh poor girl poor boy. We don't need your sympathy.

We're giving people permission to feel something because too many people are numb to all the pain and trauma of their own life and that's what's f****** humans.

People will be people and they will have emotions. And if I react to emotions obviously you will have whatever emotions you have. But you don't need to feel sorry for me. If anything you need to check why it is you haven't healed from your emotions. Everyone who is a Healer is trying to heal themselves and if they're aging out using remedies and holistic medicines then they're hiding behind another type of alchemy. You really need to be sad for yourself and not for me.

When you're not under the influence of alchemy you might be able to understand where I'm coming from and relate to it without patronizing somebody else. You need to patronize yourself.

And holistic medicine is just as bad as pharmaceutical medicine if not worse because people don't see the danger in holistic medicine.

But then you could be sharing whatever pain you think I'm in and okay... it could be quite innocent as far as that but I'm not in pain. I'm not even suffering. It's awesome to see the correlation of #lost because all of us who want to surpass the hayflick limit must go through the pain and suffering of the lessons we never learned the last 50 to 100 years.

Pain is necessary for survival. If you don't have pain you will never learn. You have to understand this is not a sad thing but we have been brainwashed into thinking pain is sadness and something to mitigate and cover up with drugs and alcohol and herbal remedies and distractions.

What if that is what's making us more sick??

What if covering up the pain and suffering is what's killing you

Every single memory shift throwing them forwards and backwards in time it's like realizing your trauma and memories through this climate change. Some people can't live with the memories coming to surface and other people are in pain because of them. And that's what these different segments of going forwards and backwards in time on the island until they get everybody together on the same page on the island that experienced being lost in the beginning of the show when they crashed the plane. And the bloody noses are significant representing the brain losing some memories through their nose which is one of the exit points. One of the main immunological exit points. Nosebleeds are a sign of immune system activation and releasing demons and memories

This series was made for my situation. Too much synchronicity with this show. Because the last 3 years was like going through a neurological immunological Memorial shift that brought me backwards and forwards in time. It's like I remember the past and felt it and then I have insight on the future because I can also feel that too. And I pay attention to my surroundings. And I listen to the people before me letting me know through the news and the articles indirectly saying we are not out of the woods yet Dorothy.

We're not going to be in Kansas for a long ass time.. we're not even close to going back to what you think is home for a long time. Too many people are disconnected from reality. And it's like herding kittens.. as soon as you think you got them all rounded up one wanders away..

one more reminder.. it was the conspiracy people who warned you.. and we were right.

we might "fight" amongst each other arguing over "solutions" but we did warn you.. and we were slammed for it..

But at some point even the conspiracy people must figure out the best way to survive what they discovered 20 years ago 50 years ago or 10 years ago.

Let this serve to be a lesson to everyone, please consider all information because chemistry physics and science can support everything

it's just a matter of getting everybody on the same page and developing a storyline matched with sound concepts and definitions and time to develop a working thesis

The system will be the one to determine when we transition to another world.

But never ever slam evolution. Because that could be the change to save you.. whatever that means to you.

remember: katrina was late august 2005.

disconnected from reality means =given up

Yes it does trip me out the people are still completely disconnected but I think they've already resigned themselves to the fact it's over with so go have fun and go out with a bang.

I get it. I couldn't do it because I found my other lifeline. But if you haven't found your second Lifeline then I understand.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about then don't even worry about it. But they did warn us. Don't be caught out there. It's chaos out there. And if you have to be out there make sure you're saving yourself from flood waters and fires and earthquakes and hurricanes and if not everything becomes a physical and legal hazard


Your lower immune system is so constricted that it doesn't have the conditioning to release demons so people die from anaphylaxis. Conditioning to eat food you're allergic to that is so necessary for your nutrition takes a conditioning process.

It's not just eating beef it's drinking lots of milk.. if you're against the doctors then they won't be able to help you condition yourself and wean yourself back onto the food supply.

And that was intentional.

When you've already said the food was poison that it wasn't the gluten it was pesticide then you will never ask your doctor to help you wean yourself back under the food supply and your children because you've already condemned the food supply and your children are starving..

And so I completely understand the system made the doctors be the heroes for a minute and then the zeros for another minute and how do you make a doctor a hero when they've already been marked as a zero to help you wean yourself back onto the food supply.

Psychologically mothers will not go back to the doctor system to ask them to help to wean their kids on to meat milk cheese eggs gluten sugar salt fruits and veggies and even nightshade.

They'll stick to their story. And then blame the vaccines and the air food and water.

And that was intentional..

It's too late now but you see how strategic the system is what you're asking for your own demise and starvation and wanting to stay cured and under the influence and only thankful for that one time you beat that one disease when you probably have a billion more you still have to beat

You had to ask and fight for your own starvation..

And you see I never asked the system to remedy my disease and they left me alone but I couldn't make anyone else suffer if I was in charge of someone or something. If I was in charge of an animal or a child they would have to get treated to death.

So you're f***** whenever you're looking after a dependent

they must be treated to death

but if you don't want to treat yourself and you want to eat all the food the government will leave you alone.

And that's what makes me a model citizen without taxing the system.

That's pretty much the future.. one segment of the population will be immortal or not dying from natural causes and you will also have a temporary talented gorgeous superhuman population. And that will be your entertainment..

and they will die suddenly and then it's thoughts and prayers and on to the next person

Right now America and those suffering from floods fire storms and hurricanes and earthquakes will be the rest of the world's entertainment.

Welcome to a hybridized version of

The Truman Show

Survivor and

The Hunger Games..

May the odds be ever in your favor

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