We are in the Age of Infanticide and So Parents Must Eat for 8g, Not 5g or 1g
And since we can't change people we get to watch everybody and their choices and how they end up
And I don't do any of this to try to save anyone on my Facebook because anything that I say they would slam me or be so polite to me and then talk s*** about me behind my back.
But you are the example.
We're going to watch what you're doing with your children and we will see the next 10 years how they end up through your practices.
Why do you think they've been writing about what's going on with these children and parents all over the news articles. They're trying to show you we're in the age of infanticide. Family is realizing they don't have what it takes to keep their children alive
And if you feel you must block me so I can't watch what you're doing with your children please by all means hide what you're doing from those who know what the f*** you're doing.
But I've been in many of these mommy and me groups and I've been in these worlds and I've seen exactly what these parents are doing with their children and what they do to themselves. So there's nothing you can hide from the system it's already out there now it's just watching the dominos fall.
That's why the system is guiding reproduction carefully. But you're going to have to see the proof why. And it's a type of human sacrifice because the parents are sacrificing their own children to get ahead
We are in the age of infanticide by destroying cancer, you destroy your new body and you and in turn, children are also destroyed through starvation and remedies and an overactive lifestyle during climate change..
People think they destroyed their cancer when they're in remission. No because you have to be under another haze of alcohol and drugs because the body still wants to push things out and develop you the new you and you are in resistance to evolution.
The answer to life was never to destroy it but to feed it and release it like I've been saying for the last 8 years.
The answer was never to drug life but to be clean and sober and purified.
And suffering is relative. I can never say you could suffer because I have no idea what your tolerance level to suffering is and so if you can't handle suffering and feed and eat and release youll keep treating disease until there's nothing left in the body to treat because now you're full of antibodies with no infrastructure because to antibodies ate the infrastructure and that's called died suddenly.
That's what happens when you overpopulate an area with a bunch of children who have no purpose or the remaining mature cells don't have the energy to teach the new offspring coming into the body
The children eat you out of house and home and they eat up your body causing major infrastructure breakdown and the aging process.
You have to be able to manage your mature cells and the cancer or infection and have your mature cells teach the offspring progressively so you can transition to the new body with the new hayflick limit.
You have to balance the mature cells and the immature cells and there must be more mature cells teaching these children in the body than immature cells or else you have all out annihilation and the children are little vampires and destroy from within just like out there in the population when kids run all over the place with no parental regulation.
Dying from cancer is when the children have taken over destroying the parent which is you.
Cancer are immature cells trying to evolve you because you're in a new world and a new environment around so much diversity..
You can only resist Evolution for so long before you destroy yourself
So you see what happens in families when the grandparents and the parents die and the new children are left. That's what happens in your body when you die. But here's the thing the children are in your body and they destroy the parent in you and there's no one left to carry on your genetic line.
You are the parent in your body and The Offspring in your body are destroying you and if you have kids they will also destroy you as well. That's what aggressive antibody production means is that you're developing children so many children and they cause infrastructure breakdown and they have no accountability because there's no one there to teach them accountability in the body because the mature cells are dying off or under the influence of drugs and alcohol or starving.
And so you'll see synchronicity when families leave their kids in the hot car or murder suicides or people abusing their children and then you see parents going into oncology getting their cancer radiated or treated or they go see a naturopathic to get their cancer held at Bay. Or you see women and men starving the cancer in their body..
Or you watch these mothers promote gluten free sugar free salt free only organic and vegan and vegetarian or these kids are stuffed with supplements and drugs and speed them up concoctions and Elderberry syrup causing hormones to do whatever the parent thinks they want their kids to perform at whatever level.
that's Universal infanticide
Just watch these parents. And since everything has been normalized they see nothing wrong with it which is fine. It makes it easy for scientists to study you and your children and your behaviors and belief systems
Cancer is the "New You" trying to gain Consciousness
You know you hear about people's turbo cancers or the cancer is spreading and people feel such angst and anxiety and yet, if they understood what was going on, they might not have such feelings.
The last 5 months ever since before the Eclipse, which happened April 8 and after the EAS test or emergency alert system test, my right arm, wrist and shoulder and back were under extreme pain. I realized it was repairing the damage and releasing the damage during that time and colony of antibodies had to produce to develop an apoptosis or a programmed cell death of the damaged cells to allow the new cells to develop. Of course, I had to eat and sleep and release demons and feel vertigo and feel so much pain and suffering. Well, fast forward to today and my arm, shoulder and back and demeanor has improved drastically.
This morning and this last few days ever since the new moon, I have been sweating around midnight, like waking up drenched, but not in pain. You could say, oh jillian, you are in menopause, and yes, I am going through a change, but the change does NOT have to be deadly. However, an interesting phenomenon is happening. My dreams are not as influential, and the pain that I have been experiencing on my right dominant side only traveled a little bit to the my left shoulder, but not arm. I do feel a little limitation of range of motion and a slight pain/pull on my left shoulder but not my arm or wrist or hand. When I reach back to grab my water on my bed which is almost next to the back wall, I feel the pull. What do I think it means???
Well, one could say if I had cancer, the cancer is spreading. Well, if I was diagnosed with Cancer, yes, I would agree, this last moon phase and season change, the environment excited the particle dna and allowed growth and replication and even sweating/infection and then a powerful release of demons in the morning after eating almost all day, the day before. So, I surmise from what I have been feeling and eating and even dreaming about is the new me, the literal new me, emerging from the depths of my immune system and I have been reading the signals of the Universe correctly and I reacted to the pain and suffering correctly.
I feel energetic, clear headed, and I am even in a different space when it comes to reactions, even though parts of me wants to react to people on my Facebook and counter the same arguments I have been countering for years.
I feel alive and new and have seriously changed my stance on almost everything!!!!
I developed those reels about food for a reason because food is the answer!!! You never should have demonized food and food was never the enemy. It was the religion, politics, scientific dogmas that killed your understanding about food and it was the constant procreation that made food unbearable for your offspring.
With this information, I hope I can at least wake up one person who has the means to support their ability to wean themselves back onto the food supply. I would like to think a strong man or woman diagnosed with cancer could understand the power of food, and release, but there are no guarantees. They would need an excellent support system to handle the pain and suffering it would take to release their old body and gain another one all the while still alive and breathing.
Food is the answer, and food will always be the answer.
Sustaining your children's food allergies will be the nails in their coffin.
And by the way you will see influencers take a one-sided point of view about the markings on the food like the Oreo cookies and say it Satanic. Like the Ouroboros. But the symbol is about death and rebirth and if they choose to say it's satanic and all about death you know they're projecting their own demise. Because what do they make those markings on those cookies mean? They think the system is poisoning them. And then they list out all the companies they think are satanic so the person intrinsically thinks they need to eat organic and sustain food allergies and entertain death through Ascension
Anyone who says anything is satanic or glorifying the afterlife yes they are projecting their own demise. That's classic psychological projection.
The attacks on Monsanto was the beginning of the ending for those who are completely intolerant to air food and water and you'll see a pattern. Most of them if not all of them are extremely spiritual and take on the hippie outlook and of course probably under the influence of drugs and alcohol And they have deemed themselves the Savior by reinforcing the beliefs the system is destroying them and after them. And it's it's own little cult and culture and that's how cults were developed was someone found the fear and they capitalized on it
But when you adopt a religion you'll die for it and that's exactly what's going on.
The rise of the activists and the saviors was just the 1960s reincarnated only this time the government is watching them. But you had to see it. You have to see it.
The 1960s was the test run and of course the seventies and eighties with all the different doomsdayers and off-grid people and of course developing huge families and communes. Now you don't really need a huge family or commune just go find a group and spout your fear and beliefs and then reinforce starvation and the spirituality around starvation.
And watch people worship water and supplement and one or two foods and even worship elements and say that's their Savior and put all their faith in that one thing and then develop multi-level marketing groups or cultures. And doctors and scientists figured out how to be a God to those who are extremely deficient with big families. Just develop something they can put their faith in and there you go. The train has left the station. That's how religion was developed
And when people die suddenly you can blame the air food water and the vaccines. But you'll never see anyone in their family say well this person stopped eating and became so anorexic and so psychologically resistant that they destroyed themselves. And they don't have to be anorexic. They could be relatively proportional but the world and the climate has changed and they never changed their lifestyle or belief system.
You'll never ever see a family member ever ever put the responsibility back on the person who died suddenly..
That's why family and friends can be so deadly. That's why activism and communes are so deadly. You can be community without letting somebody destroy your psychologically and physically.
And of course the children have no choice in the matter. They're forced to follow whatever their parents believe that's within reason relative to the government protocols. And doctors are not about to make anyone suffer to live. So if this kid suffering and they don't have what it takes they'll take away the suffering and then oh that sucks they can't handle the air food or water
Feed yourself like you're in 8 G
On a more serious note
But if you have trouble with food you need to see an allergist so they can wean you back on the food supply to help you condition yourself to cough sneeze and blow your nose and poop.
Don't you think it's ridiculous that someone could die from being exposed to a peanut?
That's SO ridiculous.
Food allergies comes from deficiencies developed in utero and from family genetic lines. I used to think it was from vaccines and maybe it potentially could have because food has been used as a catalyst to develop antibodies however you're supposed to be able to release any kind of antibiotic quality out of your body and condition yourself to eat food and not think that food is poison.
Just because you get a rash or diarrhea after food doesn't mean the food is poison. It just means it's nutrition activating your immune system. No food has ever been poisoned. No food will ever be poison.
And if you have asthma from food because it's causing your body to close up then it has to be done very carefully and you must see an allergist when it comes to asthma and food. You cannot afford to be allergic to food.
Any kind of food allergy activated by food and any exposure to it had to do with your lack of tolerance to food air and water.
Anything in the vaccines your body had a reaction to came from your body needing to release the demons and be activated and EXPRESS.
You already held the tumors and the cancer inside.
But that's what people have developed and sustained. Instead of weaning themselves back on the food supply and getting over their peanut milk salt bread GLUTEN sugar and egg and fish and whatever allergies, they choose to think they can avoid exposure forever and then one day they're not very lucky and they go into anaphylaxis and they die. But in the meantime before they die they're starving. Because they think avoidance is the answer when it's actually the enemy
If it is a child with FOOD ALLERGIES I blame the parents for sustaining that kind of weakness in their kids making them so susceptible and sensitive to the environment that they die from exposure and they're suffering in a jail of limitations.
If it's an adult WITH FOOD ALLERGIES they need to blame themselves for sustaining that kind of allergies and punishing everyone else AROUND THEM for their issues especially when they die from exposure to a peanut or fish or milk or nuts.
You need to ask yourself why are you allowing your kids to be so sick and deficient and allergic?
If you're an adult developing food allergies it's because you're dying and your body is slowly shutting down.
And so we have kids growing up deficient and many in this environment are dying suddenly AND we have adults dying sooner extremely deficient. And many of them are dying suddenly.
And food allergies is the number one indicator to the path of starvation.
And I would say a large percentage of it is both psychological and physical, but psychologically the person was told they couldn't handle whatever it is they were having a reaction to and then it turned physical and their body became CONDITIONES not handle the food they're supposed to be eating and drinking.
And that started with the family..
The mother was too "lazy" to understand what was going on and then her Doctor who is paid to take away suffering puts these poor children on diets to die sooner.
Why do I say lazy?
How many people do you know can survive without food?
I have not touched pineapple juice or made any pina coladas ever since I learned this information. I don't put pineapples on pizza anymore and I stay away from pineapples and then I think of Little Shop of Horrors.
When I think about these mommy and me groups giving their children pineapple juice as a cough suppressant I can only imagine what it is doing to their esophagus and their insides..
My husband never liked pineapple juice and now I understand why. My husband's f****** awesome.
My husband and another Gentleman on my Facebook taught me the value of milk because my husband drinks a lot of milk
Now my immune system is fixing the left shoulder but it's not as sore as the right one. The right one has been through so much hell because it's my dominant shoulder and arm and side. So I'm feeding the body to repair and release. And the pain is so much less than it was the last three years even more so the last three months.
I had a banana and a roll and a glass of milk this morning and then spaghetti with actual steak and meat sauce and now this again. I wanted an egg tart like I found in Portugal but I don't feel like making it
It's interesting what people put their faith in
If you can't idolize a person then you must idolize what they produce. It doesn't have to do anything "good" for you.
You just have to believe it's doing something good for you and there you go.
Unshakable beliefs is how the system is able to control everyone.
I have belief in the system. It's an unshakable belief in the system. I don't idolize anything specific in the system. The system works
You have to feed for your environment and that includes every food that you're allergic to because even obesity needs the food you have withheld from yourself to release those demons you hold in your body.
You must ask the doctor to help you wean yourself back on to every food you were told is bad for you or allergic to or told by religion to stay away from.
You must feed like you're in an an 8G Society not a 1G Society.
As it is I had a glass of milk and dinner rolls and now I'm going to have a nice lunch. And I'm telling you I used to not drink milk at all. Now milk is so necessary for survival
the only way people will save themselves, potentially, or change, is if there are no more customers giving them validation, the entertainment is too expensive, and there is no one left in the sandbox to play with.
And that is truly the reality. When there's no one left to play with and it's not fun going outside your house anymore and you're not getting money from just appearing in large groups of people is when potentially you might have a chance.
Essentially, all of your playmates are dead and your family is barely surviving and Disneyland is just dangerous or too expensive and traveling is too risky.
Oh and no one saying that you're pretty anymore so you don't have to sell them a beauty regime. Laugh out loud
That's probably when people might actually wake the f******..
So we just watch the Dominoes fall..
Things will have to get worse than what they are now for people to finally realize what's going on. Things will have to get a lot worse and that is the reality.
The system does not wish death upon people but people are too stubborn to live and they're so desperate to die but blame someone for why they're dying and then while they're dying they're trying to destroy somebody else who wants them to live.
That's the Paradox you live in. That's politics religion and even the science dogmas adopted by extremely biased people.
And my world is the example. When I said you didn't have to die and boy did I get attacked for that. When I said food is not poison and when I said symptoms are not something to be scared of but it's something you must condition for. Boy did I get attacked for that.
But people are afraid to die and they're blaming the system for death and destruction but they're under the influence of cannabis and drugs and herbs and extracts and surgery..
The sky isn't killing you but I think your cannabis is probably contributing to your breakdown.
Nanotechnology are just antibodies your body develops in response to the environment and everything is self-replicating until you stop it from replicating. And you are made of a certain amount of minerals that must adapt to the environment that will either slow down aggressive replication or speed it up relative to the situation.
So you inducing fear because you think articles are saying that you're going to be made up of all metal and robots only confirms to what extent and how deep your breakdown process truly is.
And when the system has to develop prosthetics because you develop children who are missing arms and legs because they're born in deficiency and you're saying that's what the system wants you to be when you're the one that's bringing in children who are in deficit into this world is a little disingenuous and lacks real true accountability for what you have brought into this world and sustained and believe in.
And when you're telling your friends and family that all food is poison thus causing your body to break down forcing you to turn to prosthetics and then say the system is forcing you to be in prosthetics is laughable.
And when you're telling your friends and family that all food is poison here live on gluten-free sugar-free salt-free meat free dairy free eat only vegan and vegetarian and don't eat processed foods and your kids are starving and they die suddenly and then you blame the vaccines which gives you life
well that's a little disingenuous as well
But wait your kids didn't take the vaccines and they don't hang out with vaccinated children.
So what are you blaming their death on? the air?
Or you think they lied on the organic labels or you think the Wi-Fi caused more energy than they can sustain because of lack of food.
The government isn't withholding food from you. But parents certainly are withholding food from their children. And they made sure their children are not conditioned to eat all food
When there are a lot more transformers and Wi-Fi and energy in your environment
then you eat for the environment you don't starve your children and yourself..
There's enough food in the food supply to sustain you assimilating to 5G 6G 7g and even 8g.
You're the one that's withholding air food and water from your children and yourself giving them and yourself speed them up drugs and supplements causing an acceleration in their lifelines,
well of course they're not going to survive when you have accelerated their immune system to eat up all the energy that they can't even sustain or bring in enough FOOD to support what you're doing to them immunologically..
They would have to eat way more food than those supplements you're giving your kids to speed up their immune system in order to increase their lifespan and survive your household
Or else what the f*** are you doing.. why would you speed up your kids immune system causing them to die sooner but the only way to slow it down is to eat food.
What the hell are you doing parents
do you even know what the f*** you're doing
And in this environment animals need a lot more food than people are giving them because the environment is that much more influential..
How many animals are starving because the owners didn't increase their food intake based upon the increases of energy environment.
If I'm eating so much food daily just keeping up with the energy in the environment these poor f****** animals are starving and so are these children and adults and elderly.
You can't make this s*** up
The number one cause of death is starvation..
The environment has changed and people have not changed anything about their lifestyle and they keep treating themselves to death.
And in the meantime their dependents are starving because they don't realize the recommended daily allowance has changed but the government didn't change the RDA they just changed the environment
And you never caught on
By the way I barely need coffee anymore because the environment is so aggressive I have enough energy from my environment and I feed myself to absorb the energy and reinforce all of my vital organs.
Essentially you have to feed for your lifestyle belief system and the environment.
Starvation is the number one reason why people die.
And these poor children are not eating enough for their lifestyle belief system and their environment and neither are these animals and that's why they're dying suddenly.
And some of these adults don't have enough lifelines left to tell them to pull back on their lifestyle and belief system.
So you will see died suddenly all over the f****** map because people are not eating for their environment or releasing for their environment and lifestyle and they don't understand pain and suffering and they're all about their image and social capital and greed for money.
When it's all about image and superficiality that is not sustainable
nothing is new under the sun, even you.. lol
None of us are special
If you think you are then you will violate the laws of life and ascend to death..
Which is counterintuitive because people are supposed to descend to death. But the system gave you and avenue to feel like you're rising when you're falling.
But since nothing is new Under the Sun you might come back again but I could never guarantee what that would be and where you would be and what kind of hardship you'd have to endure
aggressive resistant emotions like angry facing or sad facing my information are like trapped mucus in the gut, nothing will penetrate ahahah and then the person eventually will die suddenly from lack of information absorption..
Aggressive emotions are what blocks you from Evolution and adaptation. And when you trap mucus in your body you are trapping aggressive emotions which eventually will turn into died suddenly.. adults have a better chance to release aggressive emotions but some of these kids are just one or two emotions and they can't afford to release emotion so much so you hope that building memories for them is something they can't afford to do.
Your politics your religion and your science and your activism are built into the mucus you trapped in your body and that's why people don't evolve and change because they've trapped those demons within and they have a hard time releasing.
Which is why you have the aggressive obesity of trapped emotions as well as aggressive emaciation because the person cannot afford to release and so they're only one emotion of Love or hate or anger or depression..
They don't have enough substance to change emotions and even release the Demons of aggressive emotions