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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Were You Truly Qualified to Raise a Child?

in essence, those who walked away from their family and children and let the state or someone else raise them, were the smartest of all.

They knew, deep down, the mother or father should not have had those kids and knew one day it would come back to bite them in the ass when the system turns the tables on all these families who shame people into raising a child ..

children raising children developed predators and misplaced anger and aggressive emotions in our society.

And I'm glad I understand this side of the world. I'm glad I had so many parents attack me because I saw exactly why the system is guiding reproduction carefully.

 And I'm very thankful I don't have children. I'm very thankful my mother raised me exactly the way she raised me.

Because now the system is going to uncover all the b******* these parents have put their children through.

And yeah the died suddenly is going to trigger many cause of action events that will uncover everything these parents have done to their children through starvation and abuse and anything else putting their kids In harm's way around predators.

Actual known pedophiles..

So now parents before the unthinkable happens you better clean up your act and get your kids to a doctor and get them out of aggressive deadly situations.

It's time to be compliant..

That Guru in another group and your religious leader is not enough to save your ass when the unthinkable happens.

Bob Dylan said it best

the winners will be losers and the losers will be winners

The Times They are a changing

Many men and women have been shamed into making wise choices for themselves and some even destroyed themselves because of that. And that's f***** up for these mothers to do because they chose to have children and it's f***** up that other fathers shame other men.

Not everybody wants to be a parent but you've been sexualized so much and when you're that young with the power of sexuality it's like being possessed. These poor children out there raise in a sexualized society trying to release their demons and they're shown these movies with such explicit material and also been victimized by someone older than them yeah you developed this suffering.

 To shame people for making choices best for themselves is f****** reprehensible.

As it is, I see what these people who shame other people for not raising a kid, I see what you've raised and I'm not impressed with your adult or minor children

 So the one that walked away probably was the smartest one

Those who shame other adults for not raising kid you just as bad as those who you think should have stayed and took care of that child by having a child you had no business having because you don't have the training or understand what it means to raise a child.

And that right there is what the system is going to show you when all the forensic pathology comes up when these kids die suddenly and these parents have starved their kids and put them around strangers who abuses them and the mother is f****** out of her mind because she's under the influence and doesn't understand what she's doing to herself as well as her own child

How is a drugged out mother putting her children in harm's way better than a deadbeat dad if anything the deadbeat dad is far more wiser than a drugged out mother putting her child in harm's way.

And that includes alcohol..

How is an alcoholic mother better than a deadbeat dad. He's not even around but she is and she's under the influence raising a child she has no business raising.

So let me raise the stakes and say you know what I respect the deadbeat dads than I do the alcoholic under the influence self-righteous mothers who think they can save the f****** world

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