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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

What Would Make a Person Change?

What Would Make a Person Change?

1. Forcing Functions

2. Fear

3. Necessity

4. Sobriety

5. Ability/financially/physically

I keep asking myself why are people not "changing" or moving from the coasts or away from peninsulas? Why are they not concerned enough to make physical and geographical and even behavioral changes?

Then it hit me.

1. They were told don't live in fear, live your life and forget the naysayers, the negative people and just be happy, happy happy and ignore all the pessimists.

2. Life was and has been "too easy" with no real catalyst or forcing function making them do things they would not do under "normal" circumstances. Forcing function are like inviting people over to your house so you are forced to clean it and rearrange your furniture.

3. Many are not sober so the reality has been diluted, buffered, blocked and intellectualized away with other "safe" storylines to work from.

4. Maybe the people have the inability to financially afford the change, or they are physically limited in their movements and in fear of the unknown.

Able people will always be frustrated with "disabled" people because when lives are on the line one cannot afford to be held back or slowed down. Able people will always make everything look easy and sadly, not everything is easy for people. How does one just leave an injured teammate behind when the "zombies" are closing in? Do you leave them behind and save yourself, or pick them up and carry them thus slowing you down, or helping them walk/run which also slows you down?

Do loyal able people handicap themselves when they go down with the ship to die with the "disabled" people? Did the system psychologically handicap very strong people who are surrounded by dependents, friends, family and pets?

Are the strongest people in society the ones who walk away from trying to save the "disabled" people and finally become selfish, which has been used as a weapon, thus frowned upon, instead of selfless, which has been mainstreamed and used as a tool for voluntarily sacrificial lambs.

Did the system purposely develop bleeding hearts so the strongest person was taken down by the weakest most suffering person in their circle of friends and family?

Yes, I think the system found ways to psychologically disarm many people and made life so easy full of love with so many dependents surrounding them that change would be near impossible, if it is even possible, at all.

In my opinion, strength is not just muscles or buying power or large friend base surrounded by the "disabled". In my opinion, strength is knowing the future from the indicators and slowly but surely relinquishing the stranglehold of those so "weak" and resistant to change that the person who left everything saves themselves.

Sometimes, strength is leaving the conspiracy world and setting on your own away from your trolls, supporters and even family and friends and sometimes your job, large house and huge lifestyle.

Sometimes strength is realizing when to quit resisting and finally change..

And so cancer is like an inverted social situation for a strong person, who is surrounded by so many weak people that they go down with the ship with everyone around them.

They don't know how to relinquish themselves from the desperate suffering pain because they think they can take away the people's pain and suffering.

 But when you try to take away people's pain and there are so many people who are in pain and are suffering and it's endless, they imprint on you and eat away at you, until there's nothing left..

The Walking Dead was showing you that those who are strong, if you don't know how to fight off and even walk away from the desperate suffering people, they will eat you alive until you figuratively stab them in the head to silence their suffering/eating you alive

I had my share of Walkers the last 8 years who were trying to eat me alive through the media and stalking and threats and comments. I had to walk away from everybody because they would destroy me. I also had to tone down people's adoration because I'm not trying to be your Guru or love interest

You are living The Walking Dead

Last night's mini story lines that I told you around me trying to leave California at least six times and when I did leave I always came back and the sixth time is a charm.

I was processing innately why I was trying to leave.

 I couldn't understand why people stay in f***** up situations unless they are paid to or they get a great benefit.

So I processed that info this morning..

and to many people's defense, their situation is not f***** up

 it's just their life.

And so who are you and who am I to save anyone from their life.

They have to be the one to live with their choices or die with their choices.

 But I must understand the world I live in

My gut new California was not the place to stay. Even though I was having fun and I partied a lot and I even developed skills and went to school and went through my own b******* I had to go east and go to Where it All Began.. the Midwest Northeast was the beginning of the Great Migration to California. But now it's over. The California world is over. Now it's back to our roots of America..

Was everything Divine intervention because I followed my gut on everything.. I couldn't even begin to tell you

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