Why am I a conspiracy theorist because I know those are the actual warning signs for those who can be between the lines. Not everything is literal not everything is going to be told to you. You have to understand allegory and warnings even thinly veiled warnings.
Those who heed warnings might be able to survive climate change but even that's questionable. But that's why the conspiracy community exist because they have the ability to read between the lines. They were able to let go of one belief system and realized there are also other storylines and even other arguments that are just as relevant if not even more relevant than what they believed before.
Which is why I had to walk away from my family and not get validation from them because they're stuck in another world. They gave me what I needed to evolve but I can't go back and regress and look for validation.
Which is also why I can't get stuck even in a homogenized friend group because they will have trouble evolving.
Looking for validation from new friends and old friends doesn't help anyone to LEAP to the next evolution
People pay a high price for loyalty. They become the human sacrifice. Loyalty is great in certain circumstances but you must have discernment when loyalty is actually appropriate for you and your longevity
And that's a sign of intelligence
There are dangers and pitfalls staying stuck in one belief system
and to sustain longevity one must evolve
However some conspiracy theorists stay stuck in another storyline and they can't get out... they are literally stuck. That's as far as they could take their evolution. And you clap for them for evolving but it's up to them to continue their own evolution and support it appropriately based upon their intentions
So even conspiracy theorists get stuck in the mainstream when they're locked into a lifestyle and a belief system.
The J world is about continuous evolution and heeding warnings..
My world is continuous process improvement. Otherwise known as CPI and that is a term in the business process reengineering world because that's exactly what we're in is in a business process reengineering society.
Dinosaurs are dying off. And you are watching them all over Facebook, die off.. also known as died suddenly
When I was reading Prairie Fire and I saw their tactics as far as bombing government buildings and other situations that they even tried to warn the public about there were still casualties and the Weather Underground also injured themselves when something exploded in their own area. In their own bunker
And so the conspiracy community was developed so that way your peers can warn you and you will either dismiss them or cock your ear and be open to another possibility and storyline. The government can claim plausible deniability also known as neither confirm or deny and then everything will be chalked up as the official storyline de'jour and you can't dispute the official story.
You can have speculation.
You can make up any story you want because sometimes you even give the government another storyline to go by but at this point how would you know. If you're all about warning your friends but you don't know if it was already developed or you were giving them another angle and that's f****** strategic too
You can play conspiracy and people some people will dismiss conspiracy but the reason why you believe conspiracy is so you can prepare yourself.
There is no stopping what is coming and what is here but there is mental physical and even economical preparation.
That's why the conspiracy community exists to give people the option to prepare and the government can claim plausible deniability and that's f****** strategic
And that's why I'm a conspiracy theorist because I'm a defensive pessimist and every f****** storyline is relevant.
It doesn't mean the storyline is going to happen today or tomorrow and sometimes it means that. But if you know the information you can mentally prepare for when it does happen.
you will never know when it will hit but it will hit
And you can't make any accusations that somebody was in collusion with whatever is going on because you don't know what people knew and when they knew it or if they're just reacting to warnings because of chatter or they got a credible threat. I mean you don't know anything. So just assume everybody is innocent and they're just reacting just like you to warnings that you have no idea where they came from and it doesn't even matter at this point
And sometime acts of war it's just as mundane as a chemical fire in your town.
Pardon the pun. We just had a chemical explosion in the next town over with bunch of evacuation.
This Akron fire is now visible on radar. Again, please don't breathe in this air.
Xylene has been confirmed to be burning.
In the 1970s, the WUO conducted a bombing campaign targeting government buildings and several banks. Some attacks were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with threats identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest.