Even if the people aren't real the situation is perceivably real and how you deal with it it's up to you. And that is also real
What do you mean
You don't know 100% people's intentions and you don't know what they knew and when they knew it and you don't know if they are an industry plant or they truly believe what they believe. You'll never know if something is organic or synthetic and you can't make claims unless you have indisputable proof.
And so I would not be surprised at all if the system develop situations to see how the public reacts and see the kind of reactions people display when faced with catastrophe and stress.
So it doesn't matter if it's organic or synthetic. It's your reaction the system is looking for. They want to see how you deal with stress in Body Mind and Spirit in politics religion and science. And if you're not aware of that and you'll be chasing rabbits down rabbit holes until you're lost..
But I can assure you climate change and the weather are definitely real and becoming stronger but again the system already tested your reactions and they know every play to keep people conditioned for normalcy bias resisting change. They've had at least more than 6,000 years of examples to draw from and strategies to use to keep people wanting to stay the same and even regress.