I have my own spin on people who have health insurance but they don't want the help but yet they still admit themselves into these institutions and then get pissed when they get treated
why did you go to the hospital to begin with?
Literally and figuratively the medical profession is a dying profession and the more people who get treated based upon Hospital protocols, attack or demonize the doctors and nurses, the more people will want to leave the medical industry because it'll become extremely dangerous.
Patients are not very patient anymore
I said this before when you've advertised people should get vaccines you're putting yourself in a very dangerous position as a medical professional because at some point the system is going to prove during this climate change without saying climate change that these vaccines are like growth on steroids
and people are also taking their remedies to trap that growth within and then they destroy themselves because they will require medical intervention that is not meant to keep that life sustained and then the next of kin starts blaming everyone around them. I wouldn't want to be a medical professional in this world
not during this climate change
Every hospital protocol is to put down suffering systematically as humanely as possible. Sometimes it just takes once and then you end up in the morgue. Sometimes it's like 15 times and then the 16th time it's done. Hospitals are not meant to keep you alive forever.
The lesser the times I am in the hospital the better chance I have for longevity.. and the last time I was in the hospital was when I had to get my ankle x-rayed from re-injuring it back in 2010 playing soccer with kids. And then I wore a boot..
But if you're going to play the game that I'm playing you have to know what you're doing and if you don't know what you're doing it's not just simply sitting with untreated pain and suffering.
I did because I conditioned myself for at the last 5 Years and I had to stay home and stay safe.
That's the thing, I tell you my story, but it doesn't mean you can do my story. Maybe people can, but I can never say you could.
You would have to know how much pain and suffering and how much time you could spend at home to rebuild yourself and release the old world systematically... and it's understanding strategy leverage and understanding the alimentary canal and understanding pain and suffering and the energy of pain and suffering and use that energy to convert food like animal proteins into vital organs blood vessels and then releasing those demonic antibodies and being okay with how aggressive the release process could be. Some people's release process are worse for others.
Luckily my release process through my skin and everywhere else was relatively manageable but it was still systematic weaning myself off the holistic system and weaning myself onto all the food supply including milk meat cheese eggs fruits vegetables sugar salt carbs gluten.
But I like making observations about other people who get mad at professionals but then they need them.
If you're going to need professionals why would you get mad at them?
I don't understand the concept.
I developed a petition on change.org to get doctors to wean people back on the food supply and then be okay with pain and suffering but that goes against the characterization of the Hippocratic oath and so there is no way that was going to happen and then change.org banned that petition and I don't blame them because that is not the purview of the medical system is to keep you alive and suffering and everything is relative.
Don't go to the hospital if you don't want to undergo the protocols they administered based upon their professional opinion.
It doesn't mean you take advice from your nurse friends or your holistic friends because they have no idea what the f*** they're doing, either, with you.
they don't even know who you are and what you can handle or not handle.
They're not your doctor.. and if you have to ask people around you what to do for pain suffering or injuries, then you might as well see a doctor because you don't know what you're doing
your friends and family don't know what it is they're doing with you
and so the only thing left is a professional doctor that knows your situation and even then they don't know your situation they will make the best guess and you can always get a second opinion.
So if you can't keep yourself alive there's no way you can trust anyone around you to keep you alive so you might as well go to a doctor and be put down humanely as possible systematically based upon the medical system
or else you might end your life prematurely taking these supplements and remedies offered to you by people on the internet, who have no idea your situation and who probably couldn't help you anyways because your situation is way too dire.
You're putting them on the line and on the hook to be responsible or be blamed for something that happens to you..
I'm glad we experienced the last 12 years and at least the last 8 years. We learned a lot of lessons the last 8 years in my world.
And thank God it happened before the pandemic.
I'm so glad I did not discover my protocol during this pandemic because I probably would have died or be caught in situations I would not be able to disengage from. I would have died from starvation. Many people were already starving but the way I was going I probably would have died from starvation if I had done what I was doing back then in the beginning, today.
Thank gosh we had plenty of time to test everything and even evolve and change before doomsday because 2019 was doomsday.
That's when everything that we did the last 20 years was put to the test
ever since 9/11..
So I'm glad the system kept turning the heat up because it kept turning the innovation up and then we had plenty of time to put things into practice and then go through the trials and tribulations and learning experiences..
and even changed things up to test expediency rate and effectiveness and that would be used as a form of reference based upon the context. For example changing from the pink salt to the white salt and we saw how fast the white salt cured people but it could be deadly if you're drinking salt water like sea moss or jemilly juice even if it is fermented and you're not eating or you become constipated because the salt water cured your poop in your system.
Constipation is a huge thing when it comes to salt and water without milk cheese eggs and fiber such as vegetables and oatmeal
And so we had at least three years of trial and error that was from 2016 to 2019 and then from 2020 to 2024 we had four years to really feel what it's like to feel those demons wake up and be on the move and learn from our mistakes the last 20 years.
Now we're heading into 2025 and it'll be very deadly and we have now at least 9 years of experience in my world of cause and effect and choices with science and information and now it's up to you. I have done all the experiments based upon what would be legal and you saw my hands get slapped for crossing lines and you saw all the notoriety around that and luckily the notoriety is around someone who was already deemed untreatable by the system and so you realize you can't save anyone in hospice so they are hands off. And if you're not a doctor treating a patient who has accepted your services with payment or contracts, everybody's hands off.
Saviors are also Satans but they would never consider themselves that because everything is relative
And so, you figure out how you're going to survive all this without blaming someone. If you're going to "damage yourself" regardless of how you want to characterize it don't blame anyone but yourself when you enter into agreements and contracts or implied consent.
If you don't understand what that means go see a lawyer..
That's why I really don't talk to anyone sometimes I do against my better judgment but I don't do that very often if at all and it's with people that I know either personally or somebody who's been in the J world for a very long time and they know the drill. I'm not giving anyone advice
Anytime you
1. ask somebody for help
2. Go to somebody's page
3. Admit yourself into a medical or a holistic protocol with licensed professionals
4. Rely on someone to take care of you when you are sick or incapacitated
You have accepted whatever they choose to administer to you in time of need based upon their "professional" or run of the mill opinion and you've also accepted whatever outcome even if it's not written. Alternative medication also has deadly outcomes but they're not actively written on the back of the bag the bottle Or the camera roll container.
Anytime you pick up a phone call and you accept somebody's conversation you're entering into an agreement of being convinced of something whatever it is.
Anytime you talk to a person regarding your health and wellness that conversation is implied consent or else that conversation would end as soon as it began.
People ask for help and then they get mad at the help that is given to them or offered to them.
That's why you don't really want to "help" people because if it doesn't go the way they expect then you're the bad guy and you will always be the bad guy for the rest of your life and their life until they can find another Satan to worship and demonize.
The way this world is around helping people, it leaves you open to be attacked, destroyed, robbed, mugged, killed, bullied, sued, and mocked. I'm serious. Of course there are socially acceptable ways of helping people but it doesn't matter. Because it will never be enough and when you bankrupt yourself and you have nothing left to help yourself with then everybody dies..
or the consumer finds somebody else to "help" them.
And then I can hear somebody say, "That's why you don't have any friends jillian.."
You made my point..
This next world maybe we develop a different way of relating to people and so then friendship means something completely different.. friendship is a ship that could Sail off into the sunset or keep finding new channels of discoveries and finding old civilizations with new ideas. There's nothing new Under the Sun..
sometimes it's drying up old channels of "new discoveries" because it's been done before and it has a predictable outcome..
You can't say I didn't try to save the world and I pulled out all the stops and the rule of law stopped me every single time and I understand why. And I'm glad I understand why.
Because even saving people who don't like you doesn't make sense, then you come off as a virtue signaler, religious fanatic and inauthentic. And then you come off completely transparent.
The whole platitude of loving and saving your enemies is stupid. Let them save themselves and discover their own errors and you never even have to know it to gloat about it because who cares.
People have to save themselves regardless if they're a friend or foe.